
Saturn: Workspace for Node.js

Primary LanguageJavaScriptISC LicenseISC


  • Saturn is opensource, node.js workspace framework (like Python Jupyter)
  • Demo in here, http://workspace.proinlab.com
  • Node.js version upper than 6.x.x
  • Only tested at Chrome Browser


  • Easy install by LWOT
  • Browsing file in your server
  • Intuitive asynchronous loop management
  • Unit test available, even though asynchronous loop
  • Visualized work status (running, finish, error)
  • Mailing on event (error, finish)
  • Comming soon
    • Work scheduling (once a day, once a week, etc..)

Image of Graph


How to start

npm install -g lwot
git clone https://github.com/proin/saturn 
cd saturn
bower install
cp ./controller/express/config-sample.json ./controller/express/config.json
lwot install
lwot build
lwot express run
# then started at your browser, localhost:3000

Run as Daemon

lwot express forever start # after launched, press Ctrl+C
lwot express forever stop # stop daemon
lwot express forever log # show logs

Update Saturn

cd saturn
git pull
lwot build
lwot express run


  • you can change configuration editing by ./controller/express/config.json file
    "port": 3000, // server port to bind
    "home": "./saturn-project", // workspace home, start from USER HOME
    "dev": true, // display express log
    "log": true, // display thread log
    "hostname": "http://localhost", // direct url
    "smtp": { // emailjs configuration object
        "host": "smtp.your-site.net",
        "user": "user@your-site.net",
        "password": "password",
        "ssl": true
    "mailingList": "your@mail-address.net, co-worker@mail-address.net", // who are received? 
    "mailingOn": {
        "error": true, // mail when error occured 
        "finish": true // mail when work finished
    "readonly": true, // readable project for whom not signin users
    "user": "admin", // admin user
    "password": "admin123", // admin password
    "session": {
        "secret": "sAtuRN-seSsIon-sEcreT",
        "resave": false,
        "saveUninitialized": false
    "MAX_HEAP": 16, // node.js heap memory size
    "MAX_LOG": 500, // display log size
    "encrypt": "sAtuRn"

How to Use

Project & File List

Image of Graph

  • function in buttons
    • select all
    • create project
    • create folder or js file
    • upload file
    • delete file or project
  • function in UI
    • drag & drop files for uploading


Image of Graph

  • Structure
    • libs: global library & function in here
    • work: if you are using async functions, you must call resolve() in the end
    • loop: set loop processing condition, e.g) index < 10, if condition is true, run under works

Email Alert

Image of Graph

  • you can set on this function at ./controller/express/config.json file

Examples Usage

code in libs

// this calls node_modules
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');

// this calls module in WORKSPACE ROOT PATH
const myFunction = require('./work.js'); 

// define global function
let myApp = (a,b)=> return a + b;

code in work

index = 0; // define global variable
let message = `Hello ${index}`; // define local variables, this can use only in this work

setTimeout(()=> {
    // resolve must call in last, if async.
    // if the work is sync, it is not necessary.
}, 1000);

code in loop

index < 10 // run condition, if true, it run!