Pinned Repositories
An Amazon S3 stream wrapper for PHP with full support for subdirectory trees, multiple protocol names and caching
Grunt Plugin for generating Dox
Performs joins on MongoDB documents and those from compatible databases.
jquery-bottomless is an infinite scroll plugin that has been torture-tested by naive users with old versions of IE, which is important because permanently replacing pagination with infinite scroll on a public facing site is a high risk, high benefit proposition. jquery-bottomless has a sweet and simple API.
A jQuery plugin providing an admin panel for any REST backend. Supports nested panels.
Pipe entire mongodb databases through the shell, or to a node stream. It's what you wanted mongodump to be.
node-netpbm scales and converts GIF, JPEG and PNG images asynchronously, without running out of memory, even if the original image is very large. It can also determine the image dimensions and type.
Optimum PHP installs and optimizes PHP for Ubuntu and CentOS Linux servers. FastCGI, APC and Apache worker threads are all configured for best performance. PHP is built with all the not-so-"optional" stuff needed by Apostrophe and other PHP framework based web apps such as those built on Symfony. PHP is configured with a more practical set of defaults. Kittens dance.
This is phpQuery, a PHP port of jQuery selectors, super useful for DOM traversal and functional testing. Originally by Tobiasz Cudnik, who released it on Google Code. We forked it because we need some bug fixes and no commits have been made upstream for quite some time. Please share your phpQuery fixes with us!
Multiple file uploads, based on the BlueImp jQuery uploader. Makes it very easy to attach one or more files to whatever you're editing. It's also easy to present that list again on a later edit so that existing files can be managed side by side with existing attachments.
P'unk Avenue's Repositories
jquery-selective provides multiple selection with autocomplete. Items are added to the list by typing part of the label. Items may also be reordered if desired, and the relationship may have fields of its own, like "job title."
Zoltar sees all! Zoltar launches your node-powered sites on demand when you access them by their actual names. No more "node app", no more "http://localhost:3000". Also provides a web console to view the output and start, stop and restart apps.
A native MacOS command line tool for rendering an image file at many sizes. imagecrunch can also crop, convert between formats and automatically rotate photos so that they will face the right way in all web browsers. Much faster than imagemagick for the simple things it does.
imagesReady waits until the size of certain images is known, then tells you the maximum width, maximum height, and maximum ratio of height to width of all the images. Great for slideshow sizing.
Make simple JSON calls to a server with jQuery. Both send and receive any valid JSON data with one line of code. Say goodbye to the limitations of the query string format.
Query a selector while ignoring matches within specific nested elements.
jquery-radio lets you painlessly get and set the current value of a group of radio buttons, filling a gap in jQuery's $.val. It is not a replacement for radio buttons. It just makes working with them more pleasant.
nodejs async module snippets designed to improve your coding style
A web app that loops over vines of a specific tag, and will add new vines with that tag to the loop automatically.
Execute a function every so often, plus on demand, while avoiding race conditions. Great for implementing "save in background" and other polling operations.
Converts videos to all suitable formats for use with the "video" element. Will accept a WebM or MP4 video, convert to the other format, and also supply a JPEG fallback image.
Quick and dirty reports on the most popular URLs and searches in an Apache or Nginx-style log file
Live stats on webserver activity, disk space and CPU usage. Meant for scoreboard displays.
Find big objects and print out dot paths to the properties that contribute to their size.
Determines if a program exists in the PATH environment variable. Cross platform, including support for checking likely executable file extensions on Windows. Thorough unit tests. Available in synchronous and asynchronous versions.
api consumption framework module
A powerful templating engine with inheritance, asynchronous control, and more (jinja2 inspired)
This is the archived landing page for the 2013 Junto which we'll use for brief reference on the new
node.js module to geocode through google developer api
Bind conditional jQuery events using Express.js-style middleware functions.
Scrapes data from kickstarter and presents kickstarters that offer T-shirts, sorted by price. Nobody wanted that, but I bet you have a use for the scraping logic... or you just want to get better at node development!
A simple landing page for the P'unk School
Lister.js is a jQuery plugin to make lists from selects
Shared todo lists for teams.
Documentation site for nunjucks
Default channel file for Package Control. Follow the directions at:
Organization pages
Read a stream of BSON documents, passing each one to a callback and waiting patiently until that callback is finished with its work.
Monitors the service and creates a simple static page with the current status of your sites. Great for use with Smart TVs. Powered by node, of course, but generates a simple static HTML file.
A node module for Google's Universal Analytics tracking