Desktop Window
This is just a sample of a .NET 5 APIs that extend the Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Window of WinUI 3 in Reunion 0.5
This code is AS IS. It's just for demo proposals
XAML code snippet:
<WinUI:DesktopWindow x:Class="DesktopWindowSample.MainWindow"
... >
Code behind in C#
using Microsoft.UI.Xaml;
using Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Controls;
using System;
using WinUIExtensions.Desktop;
namespace DesktopWindowSample
public sealed partial class MainWindow : DesktopWindow
public MainWindow()
//DesktopWindow Features
// Set the Max height and width in effective pixels
this.MaxHeight = 800;
this.MaxWidth = 1024;
// Set the Min height and width in effective pixels
this.MinHeight = 400;
this.MinWidth = 400;
// Set the width and Heigh in effective pixels
this.Width = 600;
this.Height = 600;
// Set the Icon of the window.
this.Icon = "WinUI3.ico";
// Set the placement of the Window top, left
SetWindowPlacement(0, 0);
//Fire before closing the window so you can cancel the close event
this.Closing += MainWindow_Closing;
//Fire when the user moves the window
this.Moving += MainWindow_Moving;
//Fire when the users change the size of the window
this.Sizing += MainWindow_Sizing;
//Fire when the Dpi of the display that host the window changes
this.DpiChanged += MainWindow_DpiChanged;
//Fire when the orientation (portrait and landscape) of the display that host the window changes
this.OrientationChanged += MainWindow_OrientationChanged;
//Get the heigh and the width
debugTBox.Text = $" Size (Height: { this.Height } Width: { this.Width })";
//Get the List of monitors/displays
var list = WinUIExtensions.Desktop.DisplayInformation.GetDisplays();
foreach (var item in list)
systemTBox.Text += $"Display ->" +
$"\n Device Name: {item.DeviceName}" +
$"\n Work Area: ({},{item.WorkArea.left},{item.WorkArea.bottom},{item.WorkArea.right})" +
$"\n ScreenHeight: {item.ScreenHeight}" +
$"\n ScreenWidth:{item.ScreenWidth}" +
$"\n Effective Pixels: width({item.ScreenEfectiveWidth}), height({item.ScreenEfectiveHeight})" +
$"\n Availability {item.Availability}\n\n";
//Get the current DPI of the display that host the window
dpiChangedTBox.Text = $"DPI: {this.Dpi}";
private void MainWindow_OrientationChanged(object sender, WindowOrientationChangedEventArgs e)
dpiChangedTBox.Text = $"DPI: {this.Dpi} + Orientation: { e.Orientation.ToString("g")}";
private void MainWindow_DpiChanged(object sender, WindowDpiChangedEventArgs e)
dpiChangedTBox.Text = $"DPI Changed:{ e.Dpi} - {this.Dpi} ";
private void MainWindow_Sizing(object sender, WindowSizingEventArgs e)
var windowPosition = GetWindowPosition();
debugTBox.Text = $"Height: { this.Height } Width: { this.Width }\n " +
$"Top: {windowPosition.Top} Left:{windowPosition.Left}";
private void MainWindow_Moving(object sender, WindowMovingEventArgs e)
debugTBox.Text = $"Height: { this.Height } Width: { this.Width }\n " +
$"Top: {e.NewPosition.Top} Left:{e.NewPosition.Left}";
private async void MainWindow_Closing(object sender, WindowClosingEventArgs e)
ContentDialog contentDialog = new ContentDialog();
contentDialog.Content = "Close it?";
contentDialog.XamlRoot = this.Content.XamlRoot;
contentDialog.PrimaryButtonText = "Yes";
contentDialog.CloseButtonText = "No";
contentDialog.IsPrimaryButtonEnabled = true;
var r = await contentDialog.ShowAsync();
if (r == ContentDialogResult.Primary)
// Cancel the close event
//Center the Window on the display
private void OnCenterClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
//Place the Window on the Top Left
private void OnTopLeft(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
//Place the Window on the Bottom Left
private void OnBottomLeft(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
//Maximize the Window
private void OnMaximize(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
//Minimize the Window
private void OnMinimize(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
//Restore the Window
private void OnRestore(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
//Bring the Window to the top
private void OnBringToTop(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
private void OnClosingApplication(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)