online platform for live-coded music performances


online platform for live-coded music performances

Live coding is an artistic practice driven by online and local communities, and sometimes happening inside an event-based social practice.

Problems with live-coding

  • Organisation efforts require loads of volunteering work
  • steep technical curve for participation
  • technical setup causes failures
  • errors during streaming sessions due to lack of multitasking skills
  • hard to organize projects, files, versions, sets, songs, etc.
  • quick musical ideas may take long time to code
    • most musicians will not really dive into better coding practices
      • refactoring requires communication and abstract thought
        • if we create a new thing, nobody will find it
          • user-based contributions will probably not be well documented
  • brilliantt code based knowledge gets lost in streams of time unnoticed
  • copying is hard
  • no easy way to publish live-coding based music "works"


  • Organize sessions, events with multiple streamed line-ups
  • Live coding music platform
  • Ability to view, listen, copy, fork other people's code
  • Add ideas to library
  • Share ideas, snippets, code
  • Ability to store songs, acts, custom file structures, etc.
  • Get a Shareable link to live stream current performance
  • Live stream view vs. audience view
  • Ability to contribute functions, algorithms, snippets
  • Publish your works, live performances
  • Create tutorials for your musical ideas