Installing ArduPilot Directory

Latest tested with Ubuntu 20 and python3

Detailed Youtube Video Link

Setup in video is for older ubuntu release i.e Ubuntu 18 and python2

Clone ArduPilot Repo

Clone this in the home directory

git clone --recurse-submodules  

cd ardupilot

We need to install few python3 dependencies and also other dependencies that we require. Requirement sheet contains all the packages.

Tools/environment_install/ -y

Reload the path (log-out and log-in to make permanent):

. ~/.profile

Now lets source it by editing the bashrc file

gedit ~/.bashrc

Add this lines at the end of bashrc file

export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/ardupilot/Tools/autotest
export PATH=/usr/lib/ccache:$PATH

Save and close the text editor

now reload it once

. ~/.bashrc

Run Simulator ( without gazebo plugin)

cd ~/ardupilot/ArduCopter -w