
Simple and customizable blog app for wagtail

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Simple and customizable blog app for wagtail


  • Categories and tags with views
  • RSS
  • Basic starter templates with pagination
  • Comments
  • Related Blog
  • Rich text editor with gist compatible


You should start with a existing wagtail django project and have a basic understanding of Wagtail before starting. See http://docs.wagtail.io

Tested with Wagtail 2.x and Django 3.1

Refer here for wagtail configuration

  1. pip install wagtail-blog-simple
  2. Add wagtail_blog to INSTALLED_APPS in settings.py
  3. Update WAGTAILEMBEDS_FINDERS as follows
        'class': 'wagtail_blog.embed_finder.GistEmbedFinder'
  1. Add url(r'^blog/', include('wagtail_blog.urls', namespace="blog")), to urls.py
  2. python manage.py migrate
  3. Override templates as needed.
  4. Create a 'Blog index' page in wagtail cms dashboard (under root page)

image 8. Then add sub pages to Blog Index page which will your blogs



Wagtail blog features abstract base models. If you want to change functionality you may extend this models from blog.abstract and use them how you'd like. Do not add blog to your INSTALLED_APPS if you do this. You'll need to create your own logic to gather context variables. See blog/models.py for an example of this. Wagtail blog doesn't support any way to "drop in" the blog app and just make minor changes to models.


  • BLOG_PAGINATION_PER_PAGE (Default 10) Set to change the number of blogs per page. Set to None to disable (useful if using your own pagination implementation).
  • BLOG_LIMIT_AUTHOR_CHOICES_GROUP Optionally set this to limit the author field choices based on this Django Group. Otherwise it defaults to check if user is_staff. Set to a tuple to allow multiple groups.
  • BLOG_LIMIT_AUTHOR_CHOICES_ADMIN Set to true if limiting authors to multiple groups and want to add is_staff users as well.


This is extended version of this repo with more features