__ _ __ _ _ _ __ __ _____ ___ / _| | '__| | | | '_ \ \ \ /\ / / _ \ / _ \| |_ | | | |_| | | | | \ V V / (_) | (_) | _| |_| \__,_|_| |_|___\_/\_/ \___/ \___/|_| |_____| Overview ======== run_woof is a wrapper that runs woof-CE in a Puppy Linux (http://www.puppylinux.org/) chroot environment. It allows: - Use of woof-CE on distributions other than Puppy itself - x86 Puppy development on x86_64 - Safer use of woof-CE, without risk of contaminating the development environment Usage ===== To use run_woof: - If you are running Puppy Linux and have the 'devx' module loaded, run_woof will offer to use them, otherwise download your Puppy version of choice and its matching 'devx' module. - If you already have a woof-CE git repo, put run_woof in the same location, otherwise run_woof will offer to clone the woof-CE git repo for you. - run_woof is a ROX AppDir, if you use ROX as your file manager, just click on it to start it, otherwise you can click on the AppRun script inside the run_woof directory or run the ./run_woof_helper script in a terminal. The original run_woof script can also be used directly, passing the paths to the ISO image, 'devx' module and directory with woof-CE The directory passed to the run_woof script, or the directory where the run_woof AppDir is located will be mounted at /root/share inside of run_woof. The first time run_woof is started a run_woof.conf file will be created inside of the run_woof AppDir with default settings based on the host operating system. These settings can be edited by clicking on "Configure run_woof" or if the host operating system does not have gtkdialog, editing the run_woof.conf file in a text editor. Credits and Legal Information ============================= run_woof is free and unencumbered software released under the terms of the MIT license; see COPYING for the license text. For a list of its authors and contributors, see AUTHORS. The ASCII art logo at the top was made using FIGlet (http://www.figlet.org/).