
A declarative router for Sveltejs, no component importing required. Now with PWA support! 🥳

Primary LanguageJavaScript

🧭 Sveltejs Router Template

A declarative router for Sveltejs, no component importing required. Now with PWA support! 🥳

📃 Table of Contents

💡 About

A Sveltejs template with built-in declarative routers, no component importing needed, just call <a href=""> as many times you want! 😎

🔥 Getting Started

Run npx degit pupubird/sveltejs-router-template . to clone this template locallly!


Simply run:

npm install

This repo is configured with sirv with SPA mode, hence simply run:


npm run dev


To generate production build, run:

npm run build

Do note that this is a Single-Page-Application, hence you will have to enable SPA mode for your server, sirv had been installed in this package hence you can run sirv public --single ( or npm run start ) to serve the files in SPA mode


npm run start

You should see a server spun up in your localhost!


To eject PWA mode, simply run the command DISABLE_PWA=true npm run build

🛠 Usage

This template is made with the philosophy of Encapsulation, all units should be able to deploy anywhere.

A sample file for the unit's routes is inside /src/routes.sample.js. Simply copy that file and paste it into your unit's folder!

After that, if it's a first-level router ( such as the routes inside /event in this template ), add it in the /src/routes.js as shown in this template.

And that's it! 🥳 no need to import any sveltejs routing component and you get routing for free!


An example of a routes.js is as below:

import run from "@/utils/run";
import Router from "@/utils/generateRouter";

// Another `routes.js` file
import EventFutureRouter from './futureEvent/routes';

let ROUTES = [
    // Current routes go here
    ['/', run(import("./Index.svelte"))],

    // Alternatively, use pattern
    ['/:event_id', run(import('./Index.svelte')]
export default Router(ROUTES, [ // Optional
    // All child routers go here
    // Which, is another `routes.js` file
    ['/future', EventFutureRouter]
  1. @/ is an alias that I created pointing to src/, it will be replace by rollup from @/ into src/ as absolute path, so you won't need to do long relative import anymore.
  2. Router function will return a function for the parent to adjust it's base url, so as a child router you won't need to worry about putting all the base url --- it's all relative url!

And that's all about routes.js! You can even do it recursively! Once you had done the setup, in the future if you would only just want to test out this particular unit, just drag and drop it and it will work as expected ( as there will be no more worried on routing modification! )!


An example of rootRoutes.js is as below:

 Global router, see routes.sample.js if you would like to create new routes in folder.
import Navaid from "navaid";
import HomeRouter from '@/home/routes'
import EventRouter from '@/event/routes'
import ProfileRouter from '@/profile/routes'

const router = Navaid("/");

// Add first-level child routers here
].map(route => {
    router.on(route[0], route[1])

export default router
  • The main difference between a rootRoutes.js and routes.js is, rootRoutes.js is the root of all the routes, and a routes.js are the children of the rootRoutes.js

  • You do NOT need to include the routers of all the child routers, only first-level child routers are required to import.

Routing pattern

For more information on how to achive pattern-base routing ( e.g. /users/:id ), please refer to Navaid pattern

To access to the params ( e.g.: The /:id ):

    import { params } from "@/components/stores.js";

    // Accessing to the Route component directly is also possible
    // You can think of route component be the <body> tag of the web app
	// import { Route, params } from "@/components/stores.js";


🚀 Deploy

With Vercel

Install vercel if you haven't already:

npm install -g vercel

run vercel to configure your credential, else you do not have an account, simply go to their website and sign up one!

then, simply run:

vercel deploy

And configure each settings to your own preferences.