
This is HTTP server made for Advanced C++ classes on Warsaw University of Technology

Primary LanguageC++

HTTP Server

This is very simple implementation of HTTP server in C++. It carries both HTTP server and some very simple code to execute for testing


To build this project you have to have BOOST unit test (if you want to run unit tests).

Anyway, run:

make all

that runs build and tests or

make server.o

that compiles only server.


Running the code is done via: ./server.o 8080 where 8080 is the port (actually default).


The code is structured in very simple way:

  • server.cpp - sample code with handlers
  • server ** src *** *.h - header files *** *.cpp - C++ files ** test *** *_test.cpp - all BOOST unit tests written for the server
  • Makefile - make file
  • log.config - an example of log config file
  • README.md - this readme


The server contains interesting logging configuration. Either:

  1. provide SERVER_LOGGER=stdout or file that will use logging to file or to stdout only
  2. do not provide anything and rely on HybridLoggerFactory that uses configuration (see hybrid logging section)

Hybrid Logging

Consider a file log.config that contains such entries:


Each of the entry is in the format: Regex:(file|stdout):(debug|warn|error). Each of the logger (getLogger(someName)) can be logged in different way, as in the above example:

  • TcpConnection will be logged with debug level to stdout
  • other TCP-related debug and higher events will be logged into file
  • dispatcher will be logged into file only for warning and error (no debug)