
offline listening history

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


An offline listening history.

This lets me keep track of music I listen to when offline, or when its not possible to sync with my scrobbler to listenbrainz/last.fm or on my computer with mpv

This is very generic -- it accepts one or more commands that generate JSON data in the format:

  "artist": "Artist Name",
  "album": "Album Name",
  "track": "Track Name",

as a list of JSON objects, one per line like (without the surrounding []):

{"artist": "Artist Name", "album": "Album Name", "track": "Track Name"}
{"artist": "Artist Name", "album": "Album Name", "track": "Track Name"}
{"artist": "Artist Name", "album": "Album Name", "track": "Track Name"}

...and then lets you pick one of those, and then saves it to a file.

If you don't select one of those, it'll just prompt you to manually enter each field

This is then combined into HPI listens in the my.offline.listens module


Requires python3.8+

To install with pip, run:

pip install git+https://github.com/purarue/offline_listens


Usage: offline_listens [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  dump          dump listens
  listen        add a listen
  parse         parse an offline listens file
  update-cache  update cache file

By default this saves to ~/.local/share/offline_listens/listens.json. You can override that by passing the filename to listen, or by setting the OFFLINE_LISTENS_FILE environment variable. That can be a .json or .yaml file, like:

export OFFLINE_LISTENS_FILE="${HOME}/Documents/listens.yaml"

To use this, you need to set the OFFLINE_LISTENS_COMMANDS environment variable to a list of commands (separated with :, like a $PATH) that generate JSON data in the format above.

When you run this for the first time, it runs that command and generates a cache at ~/.cache/offline-listens.json, which is then used when you are asked to pick a song you just listened to. To update that cache, you can run offline_listens update-cache.

For my OFFLINE_LISTENS_COMMANDS, I use a single command, using my listens script, with a small wrapper which removes the date/only returns unique songs

So my config just looks like:

export OFFLINE_LISTENS_COMMANDS='offline-listens-source'

If you don't have any sources, you could just create a script like this, which parses the offline listens file itself:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

python3 -m offline_listens parse | jq '.[] | del(.when)' -c | sort | uniq

To generate the correct JSON, I would recommend jq

  • To convert a list into a list of JSON objects, you can use some-command-which-makes-json | jq '.[]'
  • To compress the JSON, you can use some-command-which-makes-json | jq -c


git clone 'https://github.com/purarue/offline_listens'
cd ./offline_listens
pip install '.[testing]'
flake8 ./offline_listens
mypy ./offline_listens