Easy, create your custom component.
Any components that can be created from the custom template, should be. Automatically.
customaddcomponents is a tool that help you to created components not restricted to React、Vue,it is base on the template that you make it.
You can install it using yarn or npm, whatever you prefer.
yarn add customaddcomponents
npm install customaddcomponents
I want to create a React component call Avatar
Firstly - create folder and files
- create folder Avatar
- create index.tsx、index.scss
Secondly - write common code
// index.tsx import * as React from 'react' import styles from './index.scss' interface Props{} function Avatar: React.FC = ({}:Pops) => { return <div className={styles.container}>Avatar</div> } export default Avatar
// index.scss @import "base.scss"; .container { background: #fff; }
So let's now summarize the example. two things, create folder、files and write common code.
This util can help you to do this thing more easily. For Example
- Firstly - create templateconfig.json in the root dir
// templateconfig.json
"templatepath": "./src/utils/CustomTemplate",
"componentPlacementPath": "src"
- Secondly - create template file base on templatepath
// ./src/utils/CustomTemplate/FunctionComponent/TemplateName.scss.txt
@import 'base.scss';
// ./src/utils/CustomTemplate/FunctionComponent/TemplateName.tsx.txt
import * as React from 'react'
import styles from './index.scss'
interface Props {}
const ${ComponentName}: React.FC = (props: Props) => {
return <div className={styles.container}>${ComponentName}</div>
export default ${ComponentName}
- Lastly - add script
// package.json
"scripts": {
"add": "add-component",
- you can write this var in the template
${component-name} -> component-name
${componentName} -> componentName
${ComponentName} -> ComponentName
${component-filename} -> component-filename
${componentFilename} -> componentFilename
${ComponentFilename} -> ComponentFilename