
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/annot-player

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Product:	Annot Stream
Release:	2012/5/26 SUN
Homepage:	http://sakuradite.com
Download:	http://code.google.com/p/annot-player/downloads
Source (Git):	https://code.google.com/p/annot-player
License:	GNU GPL v3
Contact:	AnnotCloud@gmail.com

- Microsoft Windows XP SP3/Vista/7
- Mac OS X Lion 10.7
- Linux (Debian/Ubuntu/Fedora)

Distribution (Windows):
- Browse.exe            Shortcut of Data/annot-browser.exe
- Download.exe          Shortcut of Data/annot-down.exe
- Play.exe              Shortcut of Data/annot-player.exe
- Update.exe            Shortcut of Update/update.exe
- Changes.txt           ChangeLog (UTF-8)
- License.txt           GPLv3 license
- Readme.txt            Readme (UTF-8)
- Reset Preferences.reg Remove registry settings (HKCU/Software/Annot)
- desktop.ini (hidden)  Localizer of the enclosing folder
- icon.ini    (hidden)  Icon of the enclosing folder
- Data/       (hidden)  Core apps' data files
- Update/     (hidden)  Updater's data files

- 0.1.7 (2012.7): Thanks for the ideas and feature requests from M M, Aaeru, Niokun and spoxxy!
- 0.1.6 (2012.6): 感谢马猴烧酒对于离线弹幕的建议!
- 0.1.5 (2012.5): 感谢落とし神和藍染指出的各种BUG!
- 0.1.3 (2012.3): 感谢VAN和郁闷中提出的各种建议!

== 日本語 ==

アカウント新規登録:	http://annot.me
よくある質問:	http://annot.me/wiki/Manual:FAQ/ja

ソフトウェアの不具合と思われる場合は、私(AnnotCloud@gmail.com)に連絡 してください。

== 中文 ==

Wiki:	http://annot.me/wiki/首页
FAQ:	http://annot.me/wiki/Manual:FAQ/zh

简单使用视频:	http://youtu.be/m3pv8dkCsGI
Galgame即时翻译:	http://youtu.be/-Eo9Mo9F-Us


=== Mouse Gestures and Shortcuts === -- 鼠标动作和快捷方式

Annot Player - Shortcuts -- 快捷键
-                  MButton    : Scatter annotations                  -- 驱赶弹幕
-                  RButton    : Collect annotations                  -- 收集弹幕
  ALT            + LButton
- CTRL           + LButton    : Capture annotations using rubberband -- 捕捉弹幕
- CTRL           + RButton    : Delete annotations using rubberband -- 删除弹幕
- CTRL           + Wheel      : Scale selected annotations           -- 调整弹幕大小
- ALT            + Wheel      : Rotate selected annotations          -- 旋转弹幕
- CTRL+ALT       + Wheel      : Shift annotation timeline            -- 调整弹幕时间轴

Also, when RButton is unavailable (on Mac), use MButton or ALT+LButton instead.
  -- 没有右键时,可使用左键+ALT来模拟右键.

Annot Browser - Gestures -- 鼠标手势
↓       Open Link in Background Tab -- 下  :用Tab打开链接
↓ →    Close Tab                   -- 下右:关闭Tab
→ ←    New Tab                     -- 右左:新Tab
← →    Undo Close Tab              -- 左右:恢复关闭的Tab
↑ ↓    Refresh                     -- 上下:刷新
→ ↑    Full Screen                 -- 右上:全屏显示
→ ↓    Minimize Window             -- 右下:最小化
← ↑    Scroll Top                  -- 左上:移动到顶部
← ↓    Scroll Bottom               -- 左下:移动到底部

Annot Browser - Search keywords -- 搜索关键字

Google:        g, gg, google, ぐぐ, ググ, 谷歌
Google Images: image, images, 画像, 图片
Bing:          bing
Youtube:       y, youtube, yt, ヨウツベ, 视频
Nicovideo:     n, nico, nicovideo, anime, にこ, ニコ, ニコニコ, ニコ動, アニメ
Bilibili:      b, bili, bilibili, ビリビリ, 哔哩哔哩, 新番
AcFun:         a, ac, acfun
Youku:         youku, ヨウク, 优酷
Wikipedia(Ja): w, wiki, wikipedia, ja, ウィキ, 百科
Wikipedia(En): en, wikipedia
Wikipedia(Zh): zh, 维基
Manpages:      man
C++ manual:    cpp, c++, cplusplus
Qt manual:     qt
MSDN manual:   msdn
Objective C:   objc, osx
Bash manual:   bash
Cmd manual:    cmd