Multi-Server - MQTT broker, KissB enabled, and more !

Primary LanguagePascalMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0


Multi-Server - MQTT broker, KissB enabled and more !

What is it

GRID Server is a multi-purpose, bus oriented, lightweight, industrial improved, server.

It is written in Pascal Object, currently compatible in delphi and FPC (Delphi post Unicode (2009+), FPC 3.04 (Arm) and FPC 3.3+ (Desktop class OS))


Use Python services : https://grids.systems/2019/08/29/grid-server-focus-on-python-services/


  • KissB protocol : Bus Messaging protocol, shared a few common attributes with mqtt-protocol, but it is simpler (yes it can), and wider on its purpose)
  • MQTT Broker
  • Protocol Binding : Different Protocol can be server on the same port, ("negotiatiate" protocol steps).
  • Key Value DB : In memory KeyValue DB is available, it use Bus capabilities to serve Key/Value number, string and stream data.
  • Python Proxy : Run Python code directly on the server.


  • For Features :
  • MQTT Broker has been tested successully with
    • TMS MQTT Client
    • MQTT.fx tools
    • Chrome mqtt.box (websocket flavour)
  • KissB protocol works currently with (incoming) native cpp and Python one, flawlessly.
  • GRID Server work currently 24/24 in industrial area, local network area.

Features Status

  • KissB Broker :

    • Message PUB/RCV/SUB/UNSUB : 100%
    • App Segregation on the same Bus HUB capabilities : 100%
    • Python Run : 100%
    • In Memory Key/Value DB : 100%
  • MQTT Broker :

    • Message SUB/UNSUB/PUBLISH/RECEPT : Fully working.
    • Message QoS : QoS0 only. - In progress.
    • Message Retaining : 20% - In progress.

Client library

  • Native C++/Stdlib (KissB/Binary) : 20%
  • Native Python (KissB/Json) : 50%
  • c# (KissB/Json) : 0%
  • Pascal Object (KissB/Binary and Json) : 100%


Security consideration

  • althought GRID Server is equiped for security, and ready to stuck to TLS/SSL2 security, this server is aimed to be a backend one, processing on "safe" area, not directly connected to the net.
  • We have, at Grid System, build a secured level server which work directly on the net, please contact us if needed.


20190802 : First Commit.