This is implementation of the Socket.IO realtime transport library on top of the Tornado framework.
TornadIO2 is compatible with 0.7+ version of the Socket.IO and implements most of the features found in original Socket.IO server software.
In order to start working with the TornadIO2 library, you have to have some basic Tornado knowledge. If you don't know how to use it, please read Tornado tutorial, which can be found here.
If you're familiar with Tornado, do following to add support for Socket.IO to your application:
1. Derive from tornadio2.SocketConnection class and override on_message method (on_open/on_close are optional):
class MyConnection(tornadio2.SocketConnection): def on_message(self, message): pass
2. Create TornadIO2 server for your connection:
MyRouter = tornadio2.TornadioRouter(MyConnection)
3. Add your handler routes to the Tornado application:
application = tornado.web.Application( MyRouter.urls, socket_io_port = 8000)
- Start your application
- You have your server running at port 8000. Simple, right?
Starting from 0.7, there's new concept of multiplexed connections: you can have multiple "virtual" connections working through one transport connection. TornadIO2 supports this transparently, but you have to tell TornadIO how to route multiplexed connection requests. To accomplish this, you can either use built-in routing mechanism or implement your own.
To use built-in routing, declare and initialize __endpoints__
dictionary in
your main connection class:
class ChatConnection(SocketConnection): def on_message(self, msg): pass class PingConnection(SocketConnection): def on_message(self, msg): pass class MyRouterConnection(SocketConnection): __endpoints__ = {'/chat': ChatConnection, '/ping': PingConnection} def on_message(self, msg): pass MyRouter = tornadio2.router.TornadioRouter(MyRouterConnection)
On client side, create two connections:
var chat = io.connect('http://myserver/chat'), ping = io.connect('http://myserver/ping'); chat.send('Hey Chat'); ping.send('Hey Ping');
So, you have to have three connection classes for 2 virtual connections - that's how works. If you want, you can send some messages to MyRouterConnection as well, if you will connect like this:
var conn = io.connect('http://myserver'), chat = io.connect('http://myserver/chat'), ping = io.connect('http://myserver/ping'); conn.send('Hey Connection!')
New feature of the 0.7+. When you send message to the client, you now have way to get notified when client receives the message. To use this, pass a callback function when sending a message:
class MyConnection(SocketConnection): def on_message(self, msg): self.send(msg, self.my_callback) def my_callback(self, msg): print 'Got ack for my message: %s' % message
To send event with acknowledgement, use SocketConnection.emit_ack
class MyConnection(SocketConnection): def on_message(self, msg): self.emit(self.my_callback, 'hello') def my_callback(self, event): print 'Got ack for my message: %s' % message
Instead of having "just" messages, 0.7 introduced new concept - event. Event is just a name and collection of parameters.
TornadIO2 provides easy-to-use syntax sugar which emulates RPC calls from the client to your python code. Check following example:
class MyConnection(SocketConnection): @event('hello') def test(self, name): print 'Hello %s' % name self.emit('thanks', name=name) self.emit('hello', name, 'foobar')
In your client code, to call this event, do something like:
sock.emit('hello', {name: 'Joes'});
You can also use positional parameters. For previous example, you can also do something like:
sock.emit('hello', 'Joes')
To handle event on client side, use following code:
sock.on('thanks', function(data) { alert(; }); sock.on('hello', function(name, dummy) { alert('Hey ' + name + ' ' + dummy); });
However, take care - if method signature does not match (missing parameters, extra parameters, etc), your connection will blow up and self destruct.
If you don't like this event handling approach, just override on_event
in your
socket connection class and handle them by yourself:
class MyConnection(SocketConnection): def on_event(self, name, *args, **kwargs): if name == 'hello': print 'Hello %s' % (kwargs['name']) self.emit('thanks', name=kwargs['name'])
There's also some magic involved in event message parsing to make it easier to work with events.
If you send data from client using following code:
sock.emit('test', {a: 10, b: 10});
TornadIO2 will unpack dictionary into kwargs
parameters and pass it to the
handler. However, if you pass more than one parameter, Tornadio2 won't
unpack them into kwargs
and will just pass parameters as args
. For example, this
code will lead to args
being passed to on_event
sock.emit('test', 1, 2, 3, {a: 10, b: 10});
class provides few overridable methods:
called when new client connection was established.on_message
called when message was received from the client. If client sent JSON object, it will be automatically decoded into appropriate Python data structures.on_close
called when client connection was closed (due to network error, timeout or just client-side disconnect)
Each SocketConnection
has send()
method which is used to send data to the client. Input parameter can be one of the:
- String/unicode string - sent as is (though with utf-8 encoding)
- Arbitrary python object - encoded as JSON string, using utf-8 encoding
If you want to send event to the client, use emit()
method. It accepts name
and optional parameters which will be passed as a function parameters.
We provide customized version (shamelessly borrowed from the SocketTornad.IO library) of the HttpServer, which simplifies start of your TornadIO server.
To start it, do following (assuming you created application object before):
if __name__ == "__main__": socketio_server = SocketServer(application)
SocketServer will automatically start Flash policy server, if required.
TornadIO2 has some incompatible API changes.
1. Instead of having one rule and a router handler, TornadIO2 exposes transports as first-class Tornado handlers. This saves some memory per active connection, because instead of having two handlers per request, you will now have only one. This change affected how TornadIO2 is initialized and plugged into your Tornado application:
ChatServer = tornadio2.router.TornadioRouter(ChatConnection) # Fill your routes here routes = [(r"/", IndexHandler)] # Extend list of routes with Tornadio2 URLs routes.extend(ChatServer.urls) application = tornado.web.Application(routes)
or alternative approach:
ChatServer = tornadio2.router.TornadioRouter(ChatConnection) application = tornado.web.Application(ChatServer.apply_routes([(r"/", IndexHandler)]))
2. SocketConnection.on_open was changed to accept single request
parameter. This parameter
is instance of the ConnectionInfo class which contains some helper methods like
get_argument(), get_cookie(), etc. Also, if you return False
from your on_open
TornadIO2 will reject connection.
class MyConnection(SocketConnection): def on_open(self, request): self.user_id = request.get_argument('id') if not self.user_id: return False
This variable is also available for multiplexed connections and will contain query string parameters from the endpoint connection request.
3. There's major behavioral change in exception handling. If something blows up and is not handled, whole connection is closed (including any running multiplexed connections). In previous TornadIO version it was silently dropping currently open transport connection and expecting for to reconnect.
4. Persistent connections are not dropped immediately - there's a chance that person might reconnect with same session id and we will want to pick it up.
5. Socket.IO 0.7 dropped support for xhr-multipart transport, so you can safely remove it from your configuration file.
There are some known bugs in (valid for 0.8.6). I consider them "show-stoppers", but you can work around them with some degree of luck.
Unfortunately, disconnection is bugged in If you close socket connection,
to the same endpoint will silently fail. If you try to forcibly connect
associated socket, it will work, but you have to make sure that you're not setting up
callbacks again, as you will end up having your callbacks called twice.
Link: socketio/
For now, if your main connection was closed, you have two options:
var conn = io.connect(addr, {'force new connection': true}); conn.on('message', function(msg) { alert('msg') });
or alternative approach:
io.j = []; io.sockets = []; var conn = io.connect(addr); conn.on('message', function(msg) { alert('msg') });
or separate reconnection from initial connection:
var conn = io.connect(addr); conn.on('disconnect', function(msg) { conn.socket.reconnect(); });
If you use first approach, you will lose multiplexing for good.
If you use second approach, apart of it being quite hackish, it will clean up existing
sockets, so will have to create new one and will use it to connect to endpoints.
Also, instead of clearing io.sockets
, you can remove socket which matches your URL.
If you use third approach, make sure you're not setting up events again.
On a side note, if you can avoid using disconnect()
for socket, do so.
Current implementation of client (still valid as of 0.8.5) stores query string parameters on session level. So, if you have multiplexed connections and want to pass parameters to them - it is not possible.
See related bug report: socketio/
So, you can not expect query string parametes to be passed to your virtual connections and
will have to structure your JS code, so first io.connect()
will include anything you
want to pass to the server.
Simple ping/pong example with chat-like interface with selectable transports. It is in the