
Inconsistent highlighting of type annotations with binder arrows

milesfrain opened this issue · 0 comments

Edit: This seems to be the same issue as #11. Was that resolved?

Type annotation highlight color is different between these equivalent lines in foo and foo2:

  (i :: Array Int) <- bar
  i :: Array Int <- bar

Not a major issue, but I assume the types should be highlighted the same color if they have the same meaning.

Full example:

import Data.Array ((..))

bar :: Array (Array Int)
bar = do
  i :: Int <- 1 .. 5
  pure [i]

foo :: Array (Array Int)
foo = do
  (i :: Array Int) <- bar
  pure i

foo2 :: Array (Array Int)
foo2 = do
  i :: Array Int <- bar
  pure i

VS Code screenshot: