PureScript language support for the Atom editor
- 0
Parse record keys separately
#61 opened by i-am-the-slime - 0
Label classes as entity.name.class.purescript?
#57 opened by chtenb - 2
Doc comments not highlighted
#51 opened by nwolverson - 2
- 2
- 0
Keywords are highligted inside string params
#53 opened by wclr - 1
Highlight function name in value definition?
#54 opened by wclr - 0
- 0
Embedded purescript in markdown
#48 opened by nwolverson - 2
Highlight Markdown in documentation comments
#33 opened by ianbollinger - 0
Instance chain syntax
#43 opened by nwolverson - 0
Grammar rewrite
#34 opened by texastoland - 5
- 5
Built-in types aren't autocompleted
#28 opened by ianbollinger - 1
String length > 94 chars leads to incorrect highlighting for the follow-on text
#37 opened by Bellarmine-Head - 1
- 1
Comments inside records not highlighted
#35 opened by texastoland - 1
- 3
Highlight "foreign import data" correctly
#23 opened by ianbollinger - 2
- 3
String Syntax Issue
#15 opened by born2defy - 0
Color the universal quantifier unicode character
#20 opened by jgoux - 1
String highlighting continues across lines
#18 opened by nwolverson - 2
Issues with icons when using Atom Material
#16 opened by doivosevic - 0
- 0
- 0
Deriving syntax
#10 opened by nwolverson - 0
Triple quoted strings don't really work
#8 opened by nwolverson - 0
undocumented pre-requisite: language-haskell
#6 opened by shiftkey - 3
- 5
Comments are not working
#2 opened by jutaro