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Welcome to Leapblog, the online haven created specifically for the dazzling minds of Leapfrog Student Partners!

Your thoughts will take flight and your words will find a home here. Share your coding triumphs, technological riddles, and one-of-a-kind experiences in a thriving community where tales influence the future.

This repository is the frontend portal of Leapblog. For backend repository, click here


Need assistance? You can tag our maintainers with: @username

GitHub Profile of Purna Shrestha
Purna Shrestha
GitHub Profile of Brihat Lamichhaney
Brihat Lamichhaney
GitHub Profile of Anupama Rai
Anupama Rai

How to Contribute

  1. Fork the Repository:

    • Fork this repository by clicking the Fork button at the top right of this page.
  2. Clone the Repository:

    git clone https://github.com/<your-username>/frontend.git
    cd frontend
  3. Install all dependencies:

    npm install
    npm run dev
  4. Branching:

    git checkout -b feat/your-feature-name
  5. Work:

    • Contribute to the project by completing your assigned tasks.
  6. Commit: Commit your changes with clear and concise commit messages.

    git add .
    git commit -m "your commit message"
  7. Push: Push your changes to your forked repository.

    git push origin feat/your-feature-name
  8. Pull Request:

    • Create a Pull request when you're ready to merge your changes into the main branch.
  9. Code Review:

    • Discuss with maintainers to review and refine the code.
  10. Merge:

    • Once your code is approved, it will be merged into the main branch.

Issue Guidelines

  1. Create/Select an Issue:

    • Select an "Issues" you want to work on.


    • Create an "Issues".
  2. Duplication of the Issue:

    • Check if the "Issues" you want to work on has already been assigned to someone else.


    • Check if the "Issues" you are not raising a duplicate issue.
  3. Assign the Issue:

    • Start working on the issue after it has been assigned to you.
  4. Work on the Issue:

    • Work on One Issue at a time.

Commits Message Guidelines 💬

  1. Type: The commit type must be one of the following:

    • feat: A new feature or enhancement.
    • fix: A bug fix.
    • docs: Documentation changes.
    • refactor: Code refactoring with no feature changes or bug fixes.
  2. Description: A brief and meaningful description of the changes made. Start with a capital letter and use the imperative mood (e.g., "Add new feature" instead of "Added new feature").

  3. Issue reference (Optional): Include the issue number associated with the commit (e.g., #111).

✔️ Examples of Valid Commit Messages for Leapblog

  • feat: Implement Markdown editor for blog posts
  • fix(auth): Resolve OAuth login callback issue
  • docs: Update contributor guidelines
  • style: Standardize color scheme for UI elements
  • refactor(blog): Optimize image loading for faster performance
  • test: Write integration tests for comment functionality
  • chore: Upgrade server framework to the latest version
  • fix: Handle edge case in blog rendering (#123)

❌ Examples of Invalid Commit Messages for Leapblog

  • Added new feature
  • Fixed a bug
  • Updated code
  • Auth feature update
  • chore: Fixed some stuff



Feedback and Collaboration

We value collaboration and feedback. If you have any suggestions, ideas, or questions, please feel free to reach out to any team member listed above.

Let's work together to make this product launch a tremendous success!

Note: This README is your canvas, waiting to be painted with the vibrant colors and unique strokes that define Leapblog.

Star this repo – it's where the magic happens!