Add classes, identifiers and attributes to your markdown with {} curly brackets, similar to pandoc's header attributes
An alternate of markdown-it-attr, write by TypeScript, 132x faster!
Note: Not support css-module and hr
Article: Yank Note 系列 07 - 性能暴增 132 倍的秘密——重写
node benchmark.js
simple content ---------- 100001 lines, 300000 characters
no plugin: 51ms
markdown-it-attrs: 183ms
markdown-it-attributes: 52ms
inc: 132x
complex content ---------- 290001 lines, 2668000 characters
no plugin: 393ms
markdown-it-attrs: 2321ms
markdown-it-attributes: 449ms
inc: 34.42857142857143x
compare result ----------
result equal: true
npm install --save markdown-it-attributes
var md = require('markdown-it')();
var markdownItAttrs = require('markdown-it-attributes');
md.use(markdownItAttrs, {
// optional, these are default options
leftDelimiter: '{',
rightDelimiter: '}',
allowedAttributes: [] // empty array = all attributes are allowed
var src = '# header {.green #id}\nsome text {with=attrs and="attrs with space"}';
var res = md.render(src);