Failing test showing Cloud Sleuth issue with Spring Boot 2.1.1 and Stomp-based web sockets. This issue did not exist with Spring Boot 2.0.5.
Run the tests using:
./gradlew clean build --info
This show the following error:
2019-01-17 10:01:14.876 ERROR [websocket-sleuth-test,86b7bbc97c2ae296,14d3361a3e31673e,false] 6022 --- [ Test worker] o.s.m.s.b.SimpleBrokerMessageHandler : Failed to send GenericMessage [payload=byte[16], headers={spanTraceId=86b7bbc97c2ae296, spanId=86b7bbc97c2ae296, simpMessageType=MESSAGE, nativeHeaders={spanTraceId=[86b7bbc97c2ae296], spanId=[86b7bbc97c2ae296], spanSampled=[0]}, spanSampled=0, contentType=application/json;charset=UTF-8, simpDestination=/topic/foo}]
2019-01-17 10:01:14.877 ERROR [websocket-sleuth-test,86b7bbc97c2ae296,86b7bbc97c2ae296,false] 6022 --- [ Test worker] o.s.m.s.ExecutorSubscribableChannel : Exception from afterMessageHandled in
Commenting out or removing the
dependency from build.gradle
allows the test to pass.