
Simple API, Complex Emails (JavaMail smtp wrapper)

Primary LanguageJava

APACHE v2 License Latest Release Javadocs Build Status Codacy

Simple Java Mail

Simple Java Mail is the simplest to use lightweight mailing library for Java, while being able to send complex emails including authenticated socks proxy(!), attachments, embedded images, custom headers and properties, robust address validation, build pattern and even DKIM signing and external configuration files with property overriding. Just send your emails without dealing with RFC's.

The Simple Java Mail library is a thin layer on top of the JavaMail smtp mailing API that allows users to define emails on a high abstraction level without having to deal with mumbo jumbo such a 'multipart' and 'mimemessage'.

ConfigLoader.loadProperties("simplejavamail.properties"); // optional default
ConfigLoader.loadProperties("overrides.properties"); // optional extra

Email email = new Email();

email.addRecipient("lollypop", "lolly.pop@somemail.com", Message.RecipientType.TO);
email.setReplyToAddress("lollypop", "lolly.pop@othermail.com");
email.addRecipient("C. Cane", "candycane@candyshop.org", Message.RecipientType.TO);
email.addRecipient("C. Bo", "chocobo@candyshop.org", Message.RecipientType.CC);
email.setText("We should meet up! ;)");
email.setTextHTML("<img src='cid:wink1'><b>We should meet up!</b><img src='cid:wink2'>");
email.addEmbeddedImage("wink1", imageByteArray, "image/png");
email.addEmbeddedImage("wink2", imageDatesource);
email.addAttachment("invitation", pdfByteArray, "application/pdf");
email.addAttachment("dresscode", odfDatasource);

email.signWithDomainKey(privateKeyData, "somemail.com", "selector");

new Mailer(
		new ServerConfig("smtp.host.com", 587, "user@host.com", "password"),
		new ProxyConfig("socksproxy.host.com", 1080, "proxy user", "proxy password")

Simple Java Mail is available in Maven Central:


Latest Progress


  • #50: bug fix for manual naming datasources


  • #48: Added programmatic support trusting hosts for SSL connections
  • #47: Honor given names, deduce extension from datasource name, and more robust support for parsing mimemessages


  • #41: added support for fast parallel batch processing
  • #42: added support for config files
  • #43: removed logging implementation dependencies from distribution and documented various sample configs
  • #39: simplified and renamed packages to reflect the domain name of the new website: simplejavamail.org
  • #38: added support for anonymous proxy
  • #38: added support for authenticated proxy

NOTE: All packages have been renamed to "org.simplejavamail.(..)".


Major feature: DKIM support!

  • #36: Added proper toString and equals methods for the Email classes
  • #33: Added support for DKIM domain key signing


  • #35: added proper .equals() and .toString() methods
  • #34: Fixed bug when disposition is missing (assume it is an attachment)
  • #00: added findbugs support internally


  • #31: Fixed EmailAddressCriteria.DEFAULT and clarified Javadoc


  • #30: Improved the demonstration class to include attachments and embedded images
  • #29: The package has been restructured for future maintenance, breaking backwards compatibility
  • #28: Re-added improved email validation facility
  • #22: Added conversion to and from MimeMessage. You can now consume and produce MimeMessage objects with simple-java-mail


  • #25: Added finally clause that will always close socket properly in case of an exception


  • #24: Updated dependencies SLF4J to 1.7.13 and switched to the updated javax mail package com.sun.mail:javax.mail 1.5.5


  • #21: builder API uses CC and BCC recipient types incorrectly


  • #19: supporting custom Session Properties now and emergency access to internal Session object.


  • #3: turned off email regex validation by default, with the option to turn it back on
  • #7: fixed NullPointerException when using your own Session instance
  • #10: properly UTF-8 encode recipient addresses
  • #14: switched to SLF4J, so you can easily use your own selected logging framework
  • #17: Added fluent interface for building emails (see manual for an example)


  • fixed character encoding for reply-to, from, to, body text and headers (to UTF-8)
  • fixed bug where Recipient was not public resulting in uncompilable code when calling email.getRecipients()


  • added support for adding open headers, such as 'X-Priority: 2'


  • updated for Maven support


  • added support for JavaMail's reply-to address
  • made port optional as to support port defaulting based on protocol
  • added transport strategy default in the createSession method
  • tightened up thrown exceptions (MailException instead of RuntimeException)
  • added and fixed JavaDoc


  • Added support for TLS (tested with gmail)


Added support for SSL! (tested with gmail)

  • improved argument validation when creating a Mailer without preconfigured Session instance

known possible issue: SSL self-signed certificates might not work (yet). Please let me know by e-mail or create a new issue


Completed migration to Java Simple Mail project.

  • removed all Vesijama references
  • updated TestMail demonstration class for clarification
  • updated readme.txt for test run instructions
  • included log4j.properties