The implementation code for our paper Wasserstein Embedding for Graph Learning (WEGL).

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Wasserstein Embedding for Graph Learning (WEGL)

This reposority contains a sample implementation code pertaining to our recent work, Wasserstein Embedding for Graph Learning (WEGL), in which we leverage the linear optimal transport (LOT) theory to introduce a novel and fast framework for embedding entire graphs in a vector space that can then be used for graph classification tasks.

The Jupyter Notebook included in this repository runs WEGL on the OGBG-molhiv dataset from the Open Graph Benchmark, achieving state-of-the-art results on molecular property prediction using a downstream random forest classifier with much-reduced training complexity compared to the existing graph neural network (GNN) approaches.

For further details on the approach and more comprehensive evaluation results, please visit our paper webpage.


If you use WEGL in your work, please cite our paper using the BibTeX citation below:

title={Wasserstein Embedding for Graph Learning},
author={Soheil Kolouri and Navid Naderializadeh and Gustavo K. Rohde and Heiko Hoffmann},
booktitle={International Conference on Learning Representations},