
A deep learning library with reverse-mode automatic differentiation implemented from scratch in Python with Numpy.

Primary LanguagePython


A deep learning library with reverse-mode automatic differentiation implemented from scratch in Python with Numpy.


As a student in CMU’s 11-785: Introduction to Deep Learning course, I gained hands-on experience coding various deep learning primitives through explicit forward and backward passes. The following summer, I was hired as a TA for the course and was responsible for the optional Autograd 1/2 assignments, where students would implement automatic differentiation for a small subset of deep learning modules. Although, I initially opted out of this assignment due to a busy semester, my role as a lead TA exposed me to the elegance and efficiency of reverse-mode automatic differentiation for computing gradients. Fascinated by its simplicity and inspired by a desire to reinforce my learning, I decided to re-implement the deep learning models I had previously coded, this time using reverse-mode automatic differentiation for backpropagation.

This turned out to be a highly rewarding experience. Not only did I gain a deeper understanding of automatic differentiation and its core principles, but I also solidified my knowledge of computational graph construction, gradient flow, and optimization techniques. Revisiting these topics from the ground up gave me a renewed appreciation for how abstracted concepts in high-level frameworks are built from first principles.


  • This library was built and tested with: numpy==1.24.3
  • The tests were built with: torch==2.2.2
  • attention.py is a PyTorch implementation of a single attention mechanism and was built with torch==2.2.2

Project Structure

  • PuruTorch
    • utils.py: Contains ContextManager class for managing state context during forward calls, Functional superclass which all diffrentiable Tensor operations inherit from and a helper function for unbroadcasting gradients.
    • tensor.py: Contains the Tensor class and Parameter sub-class.
    • functional.py: Contains diffrentiable primitive operations with bindings to the Tensor class.
    • nn
      • module.py: Contains Module class, a superclass to various nn primitives. Manages train/eval state and tracks learnable parameters.
      • act_functional.py: Contains some activation functionals.
      • activation.py: Contains Identity, Sigmoid, ReLU, Tanh and Softmax activation modules.
      • loss_functional.py: Contains some loss functionals.
      • loss.py: Contains Loss superclass and MSELoss, CrossEntropyLoss and CTCLoss.
      • batchnorm1d.py: Contains BatchNorm1D Module.
      • batchnorm2d.py: Contains BatchNorm2D Module.
      • dropout_functional.py: Contains some dropout functionals.
      • dropout.py: Contains Dropout, Dropout1D and Dropout2D modules.
      • linear.py: Contains Linear module.
      • conv_functional.py: Contains some conv functionals.
      • pool.py: Contains MaxPool1D, MeanPool1D, MaxPool2D, MeanPool2D modules.
      • conv1d.py: Contains Conv1D module.
      • conv2d.py: Contains Conv2D module.
      • convtranspose1d.py: Contains ConvTranspose1D module.
      • convtranspose2d.py: Contains ConvTranspose2D module.
      • rnncell.py: Contains RNNCell module.
      • grucell.py: Contains GRUCell module.
      • CTCDecoding.py: Contains GreedySearchDecoder and BeamSearchDecoder, numpy implementations of greedy search and beam search algorithms to decode the predicted sequences from a model.
      • attention.py: Contains Attention, a PyTorch implementation of a single attention mechanism.
    • models
      • MLP.py: A simple MLP model built with this library.
      • CNN.py: A simple CNN model built with this library.
      • ResBlock: A ResBlock Module built with this library.
      • RNNClassifier.py: An RNNClassifier model built with this library.
      • GRUClassifier.py: A GRUClassifier model built with this library.
    • optim
      • optimizer.py: Contains Optimizer superclass responsible for updating model parameters after gradient computation and zero-ing out gradients.
      • sgd.py: Contains SGD Optimizer.
      • adam.py: Contains Adam Optimizer.
      • adamW.py: Contains AdamW Optimizer.
  • tests: Contains tests for correctness and can serve as examples of how to use the library. All tests can be run with python tests/runner.py. The following parts of the library have been sucessfully tested against equivalent PyTorch implementations for correctness:
|                    Test                    |    Score    |
| Functional: Add Forward/Backward           |      1      |
| Functional: Neg Forward/Backward           |      1      |
| Functional: Sub Forward/Backward           |      1      |
| Functional: Mul Forward/Backward           |      1      |
| Functional: Div Forward/Backward           |      1      |
| Functional: Pow Forward/Backward           |      1      |
| Functional: Transpose Forward/Backward     |      1      |
| Functional: Reshape Forward/Backward       |      1      |
| Functional: Squeeze Forward/Backward       |      1      |
| Functional: Unsqueeze Forward/Backward     |      1      |
| Functional: Matmul Forward/Backward        |      1      |
| Functional: Slice Forward/Backward         |      1      |
| Functional: Log Forward/Backward           |      1      |
| Functional: Exp Forward/Backward           |      1      |
| Functional: Sum Forward/Backward           |      1      |
| Functional: Mac Forward/Backward           |      1      |
| Functional: Mean Forward/Backward          |      1      |
| Functional: Var Forward/Backward           |      1      |
| Activation: Identity Forward/Backward      |      1      |
| Activation: Sigmoid Forward/Backward       |      1      |
| Activation: ReLU Forward/Backward          |      1      |
| Activation: Tanh Forward/Backward          |      1      |
| Activation: Softmax Forward/Backward       |      1      |
| Loss: MSELoss Forward/Backward             |      1      |
| Loss: CELoss Forward/Backward              |      1      |
| Loss: CTCLoss Forward/Backward             |      1      |
| Reg: Batchnorm1d Forward/Backward          |      1      |
| Reg: Batchnorm2d Forward/Backward          |      1      |
| Reg: Dropout Forward/Backward              |      1      |
| Reg: Dropout1D Forward/Backward            |      1      |
| Reg: Dropout2D Forward/Backward            |      1      |
| Resampling: Upsample1D Forward/Backward    |      1      |
| Resampling: Downsample1D Forward/Backward  |      1      |
| Resampling: Upsample2D Forward/Backward    |      1      |
| Resampling: Downsample2D Forward/Backward  |      1      |
| Pooling: MaxPool1D Forward/Backward        |      1      |
| Pooling: MeanPool1D Forward/Backward       |      1      |
| Pooling: MaxPool2D Forward/Backward        |      1      |
| Pooling: MeanPool2D Forward/Backward       |      1      |
| Layer: Linear Forward/Backward             |      1      |
| Layer: Conv1D Forward/Backward             |      1      |
| Layer: Conv2D Forward/Backward             |      1      |
| Layer: ConvTranspose1D Forward/Backward    |      1      |
| Layer: ConvTranspose2D Forward/Backward    |      1      |
| Layer: RNNCell Forward/Backward            |      1      |
| Layer: GRUCell Forward/Backward            |      1      |
| Optim: SGD Step                            |      1      |
| Optim: Adam Step                           |      1      |
| Optim: AdamW Step                          |      1      |
| Model: MLP Forward/Backward                |      1      |
| Model: CNN Forward/Backward                |      1      |
| Model: ResBlock Forward/Backward           |      1      |
| Model: RNNClassifier Forward/Backward      |      1      |
| Model: GRUClassifier Forward/Backward      |      1      |
| Decoding: Greedy Search (Numpy impl.)      |      1      |
| Decoding: Beam Search (Numpy impl.)        |      1      |
| Attention Forward/Backward (Pytorch impl.) |      1      |
|                   TOTAL                    |    57/57    |


Usage is similar to PyTorch! Here are some examples:

Simple Example:

import PuruTorch as pt

# initialize 3 Tensors
x = pt.Tensor.random.uniform(0.0, 1.0, size=(5,6), requires_grad=True)
y = pt.Tensor.random.uniform(0.0, 1.0, size=(6,5), requires_grad=True)
z = pt.Tensor.random.uniform(0.0, 1.0, size=(5,),  requires_grad=True)

# calculations
out = x @ y
out += z

# initiate backprop

# get gradients

Complex Example (building a ResBlock):

from PuruTorch import Tensor, Module
from PuruTorch.nn import Identity, ReLU, BatchNorm2D, Conv2D, CrossEntropyLoss
from PuruTorch.optim import AdamW
import numpy as np

# Create a ResBlock
class ConvBn2D(Module):
    def __init__(self, in_channels:int, out_channels:int,
                kernel_size:int, stride:int=1, padding:int=1) -> None:
        self.conv = Conv2D(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=kernel_size,
                          stride=stride, padding=padding)
        self.bn   = BatchNorm2D(num_features=out_channels)

    def forward(self, x : Tensor) -> Tensor:
        out = self.bn(self.conv(x))
        return out

class ResBlock(Module):
    A Residual block built with PuruTorch library.
    def __init__(self, in_channels:int, out_channels:int,
                kernel_size:int, stride:int=3, padding:int=1):
        self.cbn1 = ConvBn2D(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=kernel_size,
                            stride=stride, padding=padding)
        self.cbn2 = ConvBn2D(out_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=kernel_size,
                            stride=1, padding=padding)

        if stride != 1 or in_channels != out_channels or kernel_size != 1 or padding != 0:
            self.residual =  ConvBn2D(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=1,
                                      stride=stride, padding=1)
            self.residual =  Identity()

        self.act = ReLU()

    def forward(self, x : Tensor) -> Tensor:
        identity = x

        out = self.act(self.cbn1(x))
        out = self.cbn2(out)
        out = self.residual(identity) + out

        out = self.act(out)
        return out

# create input/target Tensor's from numpy array
batch, in_c, in_width, out_c, out_width = 10, 24, 128, 3, 26
npx = np.random.randn(batch,  in_c, in_width,   in_width)
npy = np.random.randn(batch, out_c, out_width, out_width)
x = Tensor.tensor(npx, requires_grad=True)
y = Tensor.tensor(npy, requires_grad=True)

# init model
model = ResBlock(in_channels=in_c, out_channels=out_c,
                kernel_size=5, stride=5, padding=5//2)

#loss function and optimizer
criterion = CrossEntropyLoss(reduction='mean')
optim     = AdamW(model.parameters(), lr=0.001, betas=[0.9, 0.99], weight_decay=0.01)

# pass input through model
z = model(x)

# get loss
loss = criterion(z, y)

# backpropagate

# step

# reset gradients to zero

Printing the Computational Graph

You can also call the Tensor.bfs on any node Tensor which will kick start a breadth-first traversal of the computational graph and print the node Tensor's shape, the Functional used to create it, and the input Tensors to that Functional. For ex, calling Tensor.bfs(loss) in the above example would print:

{% raw %}

Depth: 0
| out_shape: ()
| op: <PuruTorch.nn.loss_functional.SoftmaxCrossEntropy object at 0x7f7f30a6e310>
| inp1_shape: (10, 3, 26, 26)
* Depth: 1
| out_shape: (10, 3, 26, 26)
| op: <PuruTorch.nn.act_functional.ReLU object at 0x7f7f30a6e250>
| inp1_shape: (10, 3, 26, 26)
** Depth: 2
| out_shape: (10, 3, 26, 26)
| op: <PuruTorch.functional.Add object at 0x7f7f30a6e190>
| inp1_shape: (10, 3, 26, 26)
| inp2_shape: (10, 3, 26, 26)
*** Depth: 3
| out_shape: (10, 3, 26, 26)
| op: <PuruTorch.functional.Add object at 0x7f7f30a6e0d0>
| inp1_shape: (10, 3, 26, 26)
| inp2_shape: (1, 3, 1, 1)
*** Depth: 3
| out_shape: (10, 3, 26, 26)
| op: <PuruTorch.functional.Add object at 0x7f7f30a67fd0>
| inp1_shape: (10, 3, 26, 26)
| inp2_shape: (1, 3, 1, 1)
**** Depth: 4
| out_shape: (10, 3, 26, 26)
| op: <PuruTorch.functional.Mul object at 0x7f7f30a6bf10>
| inp1_shape: (10, 3, 26, 26)
| inp2_shape: (1, 3, 1, 1)
**** Depth: 4
| out_shape: (1, 3, 1, 1)
| op: <PuruTorch.functional.Reshape object at 0x7f7f30a6bfd0>
| inp1_shape: (3,)
**** Depth: 4
| out_shape: (10, 3, 26, 26)
| op: <PuruTorch.functional.Mul object at 0x7f7f30a67e50>
| inp1_shape: (10, 3, 26, 26)
| inp2_shape: (1, 3, 1, 1)
**** Depth: 4
| out_shape: (1, 3, 1, 1)
| op: <PuruTorch.functional.Reshape object at 0x7f7f30a67f10>
| inp1_shape: (3,)
***** Depth: 5
| out_shape: (10, 3, 26, 26)
| op: <PuruTorch.functional.Div object at 0x7f7f30a6bd90>
| inp1_shape: (10, 3, 26, 26)
| inp2_shape: (1, 3, 1, 1)
***** Depth: 5
| out_shape: (1, 3, 1, 1)
| op: <PuruTorch.functional.Reshape object at 0x7f7f30a6be50>
| inp1_shape: (3,)
***** Depth: 5
| out_shape: (3,)
| op: None
***** Depth: 5
| out_shape: (10, 3, 26, 26)
| op: <PuruTorch.functional.Div object at 0x7f7f30a67cd0>
| inp1_shape: (10, 3, 26, 26)
| inp2_shape: (1, 3, 1, 1)
***** Depth: 5
| out_shape: (1, 3, 1, 1)
| op: <PuruTorch.functional.Reshape object at 0x7f7f30a67d90>
| inp1_shape: (3,)
***** Depth: 5
| out_shape: (3,)
| op: None
****** Depth: 6
| out_shape: (10, 3, 26, 26)
| op: <PuruTorch.functional.Sub object at 0x7f7f30a6ba60>
| inp1_shape: (10, 3, 26, 26)
| inp2_shape: (1, 3, 1, 1)
****** Depth: 6
| out_shape: (1, 3, 1, 1)
| op: <PuruTorch.functional.Pow object at 0x7f7f30a6bca0>
| inp1_shape: (1, 3, 1, 1)
****** Depth: 6
| out_shape: (3,)
| op: None
****** Depth: 6
| out_shape: (10, 3, 26, 26)
| op: <PuruTorch.functional.Sub object at 0x7f7f30a679a0>
| inp1_shape: (10, 3, 26, 26)
| inp2_shape: (1, 3, 1, 1)
****** Depth: 6
| out_shape: (1, 3, 1, 1)
| op: <PuruTorch.functional.Pow object at 0x7f7f30a67be0>
| inp1_shape: (1, 3, 1, 1)
****** Depth: 6
| out_shape: (3,)
| op: None
******* Depth: 7
| out_shape: (10, 3, 26, 26)
| op: <PuruTorch.nn.conv_functional.Downsample2D object at 0x7f7f30a6b310>
| inp1_shape: (10, 3, 130, 130)
******* Depth: 7
| out_shape: (1, 3, 1, 1)
| op: <PuruTorch.functional.Reshape object at 0x7f7f30a53460>
| inp1_shape: (3,)
******* Depth: 7
| out_shape: (1, 3, 1, 1)
| op: <PuruTorch.functional.Add object at 0x7f7f30a6bbe0>
| inp1_shape: (1, 3, 1, 1)
| inp2_shape: (1,)
******* Depth: 7
| out_shape: (10, 3, 26, 26)
| op: <PuruTorch.nn.conv_functional.Downsample2D object at 0x7f7f30a67250>
| inp1_shape: (10, 3, 26, 26)
******* Depth: 7
| out_shape: (1, 3, 1, 1)
| op: <PuruTorch.functional.Reshape object at 0x7f7f30a530d0>
| inp1_shape: (3,)
******* Depth: 7
| out_shape: (1, 3, 1, 1)
| op: <PuruTorch.functional.Add object at 0x7f7f30a67b20>
| inp1_shape: (1, 3, 1, 1)
| inp2_shape: (1,)
******** Depth: 8
| out_shape: (10, 3, 130, 130)
| op: <PuruTorch.nn.conv_functional.Conv2D_stride1 object at 0x7f7f30a6b280>
| inp1_shape: (10, 24, 130, 130)
| inp2_shape: (3, 24, 1, 1)
| inp3_shape: (3,)
******** Depth: 8
| out_shape: (3,)
| op: <PuruTorch.functional.Mean object at 0x7f7f30a6b430>
| inp1_shape: (10, 3, 26, 26)
******** Depth: 8
| out_shape: (1, 3, 1, 1)
| op: <PuruTorch.functional.Reshape object at 0x7f7f30a6bb20>
| inp1_shape: (3,)
******** Depth: 8
| out_shape: (1,)
| op: None
******** Depth: 8
| out_shape: (10, 3, 26, 26)
| op: <PuruTorch.nn.conv_functional.Conv2D_stride1 object at 0x7f7f30a671c0>
| inp1_shape: (10, 3, 30, 30)
| inp2_shape: (3, 3, 5, 5)
| inp3_shape: (3,)
******** Depth: 8
| out_shape: (3,)
| op: <PuruTorch.functional.Mean object at 0x7f7f30a67370>
| inp1_shape: (10, 3, 26, 26)
******** Depth: 8
| out_shape: (1, 3, 1, 1)
| op: <PuruTorch.functional.Reshape object at 0x7f7f30a67a60>
| inp1_shape: (3,)
******** Depth: 8
| out_shape: (1,)
| op: None
********* Depth: 9
| out_shape: (10, 24, 130, 130)
| op: <PuruTorch.nn.conv_functional.Pad2D object at 0x7f7f30a6b0d0>
| inp1_shape: (10, 24, 128, 128)
********* Depth: 9
| out_shape: (3, 24, 1, 1)
| op: None
********* Depth: 9
| out_shape: (3,)
| op: None
********* Depth: 9
| out_shape: (3,)
| op: <PuruTorch.functional.Var object at 0x7f7f30a6b4c0>
| inp1_shape: (10, 3, 26, 26)
********* Depth: 9
| out_shape: (10, 3, 30, 30)
| op: <PuruTorch.nn.conv_functional.Pad2D object at 0x7f7f30a5afd0>
| inp1_shape: (10, 3, 26, 26)
********* Depth: 9
| out_shape: (3, 3, 5, 5)
| op: None
********* Depth: 9
| out_shape: (3,)
| op: None
********* Depth: 9
| out_shape: (3,)
| op: <PuruTorch.functional.Var object at 0x7f7f30a67400>
| inp1_shape: (10, 3, 26, 26)
********** Depth: 10
| out_shape: (10, 24, 128, 128)
| op: None
********** Depth: 10
| out_shape: (10, 3, 26, 26)
| op: <PuruTorch.nn.act_functional.ReLU object at 0x7f7f30a5af10>
| inp1_shape: (10, 3, 26, 26)
*********** Depth: 11
| out_shape: (10, 3, 26, 26)
| op: <PuruTorch.functional.Add object at 0x7f7f30a5ae50>
| inp1_shape: (10, 3, 26, 26)
| inp2_shape: (1, 3, 1, 1)
************ Depth: 12
| out_shape: (10, 3, 26, 26)
| op: <PuruTorch.functional.Mul object at 0x7f7f30a5acd0>
| inp1_shape: (10, 3, 26, 26)
| inp2_shape: (1, 3, 1, 1)
************ Depth: 12
| out_shape: (1, 3, 1, 1)
| op: <PuruTorch.functional.Reshape object at 0x7f7f30a5ad90>
| inp1_shape: (3,)
************* Depth: 13
| out_shape: (10, 3, 26, 26)
| op: <PuruTorch.functional.Div object at 0x7f7f30a5ab50>
| inp1_shape: (10, 3, 26, 26)
| inp2_shape: (1, 3, 1, 1)
************* Depth: 13
| out_shape: (1, 3, 1, 1)
| op: <PuruTorch.functional.Reshape object at 0x7f7f30a5ac10>
| inp1_shape: (3,)
************* Depth: 13
| out_shape: (3,)
| op: None
************** Depth: 14
| out_shape: (10, 3, 26, 26)
| op: <PuruTorch.functional.Sub object at 0x7f7f30a5a820>
| inp1_shape: (10, 3, 26, 26)
| inp2_shape: (1, 3, 1, 1)
************** Depth: 14
| out_shape: (1, 3, 1, 1)
| op: <PuruTorch.functional.Pow object at 0x7f7f30a5aa60>
| inp1_shape: (1, 3, 1, 1)
************** Depth: 14
| out_shape: (3,)
| op: None
*************** Depth: 15
| out_shape: (10, 3, 26, 26)
| op: <PuruTorch.nn.conv_functional.Downsample2D object at 0x7f7f30a5a070>
| inp1_shape: (10, 3, 128, 128)
*************** Depth: 15
| out_shape: (1, 3, 1, 1)
| op: <PuruTorch.functional.Reshape object at 0x7f7f30a49d00>
| inp1_shape: (3,)
*************** Depth: 15
| out_shape: (1, 3, 1, 1)
| op: <PuruTorch.functional.Add object at 0x7f7f30a5a9a0>
| inp1_shape: (1, 3, 1, 1)
| inp2_shape: (1,)
**************** Depth: 16
| out_shape: (10, 3, 128, 128)
| op: <PuruTorch.nn.conv_functional.Conv2D_stride1 object at 0x7f7f30a53f70>
| inp1_shape: (10, 24, 132, 132)
| inp2_shape: (3, 24, 5, 5)
| inp3_shape: (3,)
**************** Depth: 16
| out_shape: (3,)
| op: <PuruTorch.functional.Mean object at 0x7f7f30a5a1c0>
| inp1_shape: (10, 3, 26, 26)
**************** Depth: 16
| out_shape: (1, 3, 1, 1)
| op: <PuruTorch.functional.Reshape object at 0x7f7f30a5a8e0>
| inp1_shape: (3,)
**************** Depth: 16
| out_shape: (1,)
| op: None
***************** Depth: 17
| out_shape: (10, 24, 132, 132)
| op: <PuruTorch.nn.conv_functional.Pad2D object at 0x7f7f30a53520>
| inp1_shape: (10, 24, 128, 128)
***************** Depth: 17
| out_shape: (3, 24, 5, 5)
| op: None
***************** Depth: 17
| out_shape: (3,)
| op: None
***************** Depth: 17
| out_shape: (3,)
| op: <PuruTorch.functional.Var object at 0x7f7f30a5a250>
| inp1_shape: (10, 3, 26, 26)