
A repository of scripts and programs for the Sound-Hologram Project at CMU

Primary LanguageMax


A repository of scripts and programs for the Sound-Hologram Project at CMU


  • calibration_gains.txt

    • Collection of speaker gain values from latest calibration experiment
  • config-init.txt

    • Initial state of Spat5.wfs~
  • config.txt

    • Init state of Spat5.wfs~ extended with number of speakers and sources.
    • Set with main.py
  • config.py

    • Helper file that uses config-init and creates config.txt at runtime.
  • utils.py

    • Collection of helper functions.
  • main.py

    • The main experiment shell that handles client-server interaction with wfs.maxpat
  • preset_generator.py

    • Script to generate text files with sequence of commands to run experiments.
  • test_signal.py

    • A helper file to generate test signals.
    • Currenly supports LogSineSweeps and White Noise.
  • wfs.maxpat

    • The Max patch that implements wavefield synthesis.
    • Also implements simultaneous playback-recording.
    • Controlled by main.py.

OSC Addresses

  • /playback-file | fmt: ,s | filename
  • /record-file | fmt: ,s | filename
  • /play | fmt: ,i | state
  • /play-rec | fmt: ,i | state
  • /set-source/* | fmt: ,fff | angle elevation distance
  • /init-spat/preset/load | fmt: ,s | filename
  • /max/conn | fmt: ,i | 1 or 0
  • /speaker-ch | fmt: ,ii.. | List of ints representing active speakers




  • init_conn

    • Initializes the client-server connection between Max and Python.
    • Prompts to optionally set up iPad for input recording instead of keyboard.
  • init_wfs

    • Initializes the state of the wfs system.
  • test_signal filename

    • Specifies the test_signal to be used for playback.
      • Arguments:
        • filename : The file to be used for playbacl
          • The audio file may be resampled to match Max's sampling rate
  • set_pos idx angle dist

    • Sets the position of a source.
      • Arguments:
        • idx (int) : Index of the source position [1..Num Sources]
        • angle (float) : Angle in degrees [-90...90]
        • dist (float) : Ratio of the source. Is multiplied by YM
  • set_speaker speaker_idx0 speaker_idx1 ..

    • Sets the active speakers. All other speakers will be muted.
    • Max must be in Speaker Out mode (patch includes a button to toggle between modes)!
      • Arguments:
        • idx(s) (int(s)) : Index of the speakers [0..Num Speakers-1]
  • play

    • Plays the test_signal in the current configuration.
  • play-rec filename duration

    • Plays and records a signal.
    • Arguments:
      • filename (str) : filename of recording
      • duration (int) : Duration (in ms) to record for
  • mute idx

    • Mutes a source.
      • Arguments:
        • idx (int) : Index of the source position [1..Num Sources]
  • unmute idx

    • Unmutes a source.
      • Arguments:
        • idx (int) : Index of the source position [1..Num Sources]
  • plaback filename

    • Plays back a .txt file containing a sequence of commands.
      • Arguments:
        • filename : A text file with a sequence of commands.
  • random_two_source runs lo hi sep dist

    • Runs the sequence of commands for the random_two_source experiment.
      • Arguments:
        • runs (int) : Number of iterations
        • lo (float) : Lower angle range in degrees
        • hi (float) : Upper angle range in degrees
        • sep (float) : The separation between two sources
        • dist (float) : Distance of the source. Expressed as a ration of YM.
  • spaced_pair_lag rec_dir

    • Runs the sequence of commands for the spaced_pair_lag expt.
    • Used to validate mic position to run the doa_expt.
      • Arguments:
        • rec_dir (str) : Directory to record the files to
  • doa_expt lo_angle hi_angle lo_dist hi_dist angle_interval distance_interval rec_dur rec_dir

    • Runs the sequence of commands for the doa_expt.
      • Arguments:
        • lo_angle (float) : Lower angle range in degrees
        • hi_angle (float) : Upper angle range in degrees
        • lo_dist (float) : Lower distance range as ration of YM
        • hi_dist (float) : Upper distance range as ratio of YM
        • angle_interval (float) : Angle increments
        • dist_interval (float) : Distance increments
        • rec_dur (int) : Duration (in ms) to record for
        • rec_dir (str) : Directory to record the files to
  • 3D1U_ST_Random reversals lo_angle hi_angle dist

    • Runs the sequence of commands for a variant of the three_down_one_up experiment.
    • Will prompt for ranges and step-sizes to support variable step-sizes.
      • Arguments:
        • reversals (int) : Number of reversals before termination
        • lo_angle (float) : Lower angle range in degrees
        • hi_angle (float) : Upper angle range in degrees
        • dist (float) : Ratio of the source. Is multiplied by YM
        • start_separation (float) : The initial separation between two sources
  • 3D1U_FT_Random runs lo_angle hi_angle dist

    • Runs the sequence of commands for a variant of the three_down_one_up experiment.
    • Will prompt for ranges and step-sizes to support variable step-sizes.
      • Arguments:
        • runs (int) : Number of runs before termination
        • lo_angle (float) : Lower angle range in degrees
        • hi_angle (float) : Upper angle range in degrees
        • dist (float) : Ratio of the source. Is multiplied by YM
  • 3D1U_ST_Fixed reversals target_angle(optional) dist(optional)

    • Runs the sequence of commands for a variant of the three_down_one_up experiment.
    • If target_angle and distance are unspecefied, source position will be set relative to the tracker. Ensure tracking is enabled!
    • Will prompt for ranges and step-sizes to support variable step-sizes.
      • Arguments:
        • reversals (int) : Number of reversals before termination
        • target_angle (float) : Angle around which the two sources will be separated around.
        • dist (float) : Ratio of the source. Is multiplied by YM
  • 3D1U_FT_Fixed runs target_angle(optional) dist(optional)

    • Runs the sequence of commands for a variant of the three_down_one_up experiment
    • If target_angle and distance are unspecefied, source position will be set relative to the tracker. Ensure tracking is enabled!
    • Will prompt for ranges and step-sizes to support variable step-sizes.
      • Arguments:
        • runs (int) : Number of runs before termination
        • target_angle (float) : Angle around which the two sources will be separated around.
        • dist (float) : Ratio of the source. Is multiplied by YM
  • 3D1U_Interleaved runs soundfile0 soundfile1 ..

    • Runs the sequence of commands for a variant of the three_down_one_up experiment.
      • Arguments:
        • runs (int) : Number of runs before termination
        • list of soundfiles (str) : Space separated list of soundfiles
  • quit

    • Quits the shell

3D1U Variants

  • Self-Terminating (ST) refers to when a track terminates after a user-specified number of reversals.
  • Fixed-Trial refers to when a track terminates after a user-specified number of trials.
  • Random-interval refers to when the two source locations in a trial are sampled randomly within the user-specified interval. The separation is determined by their performance in 3D1U. The order of playback (right-left, left-right) is random.
  • Fixed-interval refers to when the target angle is user-specified and fixed throughout the duration of a track. The two source locations in a trial are separated around the target angle. The separation is determined by their performance in 3D1U. The order of playback (right-left, left-right) is random.
  • All variants will prompt for input to generate variable step sizes. User will be prompted to enter ranges and step-sizes for each range. Eg. range: '20 10 4 1', steps: '5 3 1' generates separations '20 15 10 7 4 3 2 1'.

Example usage (Make sure wfs.maxpat is open!)

test_signal 0
unmute 0      # Unmute all sources, all sources are muted by default
set_pos 1 -90 0.3
set_pos 1 -60 0.6

Example running commands stored in a .txt file (Make sure wfs.maxpat is open!)

test_signal 0
unmute 0      # Unmute all sources, all sources are muted by default
playback filename.txt

Example running the random_two_source experiment (Make sure wfs.maxpat is open!)

test_signal 0
unmute 0      # Unmute all sources, all sources are muted by default
random_two_source 10 -30.0 30.0 5.0 0.5