
Paper Link: Optimizing non-decomposable measures with deep networks

Code Link, here

For running DUPLE, DAME, DENIM and Struct-ANN

Go into the deep_non_decomp_src folder to see the code.

Code for running DUPLE, DENIM, DAME and Struct ANN

I apologize in advance for this code being weirdly inconsistent in several ways. I have edited this code over a long period of time with significant breaks in between, which I blame for this inconsistency.

The following address are relative to the deep_non_decomp_src folder.

All the data is in the datasets folder and is read through the wrapper in datasets/

Concave measures and Benchmark

To run DUPLE

  1. Ensure that the variable dual_class in Line 15 is set to one of the classes in DeeSpade.dual_step.

  2. Ensure that the variable model in Line 22 is set to Spade.

  3. and then run

python [dataset]

  1. The score is accumulated in line 72 and 73.

  2. Use lines 96 and 97 to save it to file.

To run p-Benchmark (ANN-p)

  1. The variable dual_class is inconsquential.

  2. Ensure that the variable model in Line 22 is set to BenchANN.

  3. and then run

python [dataset]

  1. All the scores are accumulated in minC in Line 71.
  2. Save them through 98.

To run Benchmark (ANN-0-1)

  1. You will have to do a trivial change in the BenchANN file to get rid of the p-sensitive cost function to get the true cost. To do this comment Line 40 in DeeSpade/ and uncomment Line 42```

  2. The variable dual_class is inconsquential.

  3. Ensure that the variable model in Line 22 is set to BenchANN.

  4. and then run

python [dataset]

  1. All the scores are accumulated in minC in Line 71.
  2. Comment Line 72 and Line 73.
  3. Extract the different scores from Line 76 to 80.
  4. Save them through Line 99 - 102.

Pseudolinear Measures

To run DAME

  1. Fbeta score is the only score we see here. The code for that is in DAMP.ANNAMP/FbetaANN.
  2. Run python [dataset]
  3. The scores are stored in [dataset]ANNAMAP_FMeas_new.npz

To run ANN-PG

  1. The code is in DAMP.AMP.FbetaThresh.
  2. Run python [dataset]#
  3. The scores are stored in [dataset]AMP_PG.npz

Nested Concave Measures

  1. Here we only look at NegKLD. The code is in DAMP.AMP.FbetaThresh and the primal and dual step are in demesis.concave_fn.KLD.
  2. Run python [dataset]
  3. The score is stored in [dataset]_kld_rew.npz

Some files also calculate BAKLD but they can be ignored

Struct ANN file

  1. The MVC code is present in all_struct/c_code/mvc.c and the shared library is already compiled in the folder as
  2. This is then used by the network definition and training algorithm which is present in all_struct/ and the final training wrapper is
  3. Ignoring the details, to train run the command python [dataset] [loss_fn] where the [dataset] variable is as usual and the variable [loss_fn] is defined in all_struct/```. We only use minTPRTNRandfone` among those.

Plotting the File

  1. Run the necessary training files to obtain the score files.
  2. Then run the necessary plot file i.e one of
    • plot_[Fmeas, KLD, MinTPRTNR, QMean].py [x_axis_length]

Twitter model

The following addresses are relative to the seq2seq-attn folder.

Training the model

th train1.lua -data_file data/twit/twit-train.hdf5 -val_data_file data/twit/twit-val.hdf5 -savefile twit-model


th evaluate1.lua -model twit-model_final.t7 -src_file data/twit/src-val.txt -output_file pred.txt -src_dict data/twit/twit.src.dict -targ_dict data/twit/twit.targ.dict

If you use this code please cite the paper

author="Sanyal, Amartya
and Kumar, Pawan
and Kar, Purushottam
and Chawla, Sanjay
and Sebastiani, Fabrizio",
title="Optimizing non-decomposable measures with deep networks",
journal="Machine Learning",