
adapter for dbt sql server

Primary LanguageTSQLMIT LicenseMIT


dbt adapter for sql server.

Passing all tests in dbt-integration-tests.

Only supports dbt 0.14 and newer!

  • For dbt 0.14.x use dbt-sqlserver 0.14.x
  • For dbt 0.15.x use dbt-sqlserver 0.15.x
  • dbt 0.16.x is unsupported
  • dbt 0.17.x is unsupported - development in progress

Easiest install is to use pip:

pip install dbt-sqlserver

On Ubuntu make sure you have the ODBC header files before installing

sudo apt install unixodbc-dev

Configure your profile

Configure your dbt profile for using SQL Server authentication or Integrated Security:

SQL Server authentication
  type: sqlserver
  driver: 'ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server' (The ODBC Driver installed on your system)
  server: server-host-name or ip
  port: 1433
  user: username
  password: password
  database: databasename
  schema: schemaname
Integrated Security
  type: sqlserver
  driver: 'ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server'
  server: server-host-name or ip
  port: 1433
  user: username
  schema: schemaname
  windows_login: True

Supported features


  • Table:
    • Will be materialized as columns store index by default (requires SQL Server 2017 as least). To override: {{ config( as_columnstore = false, ) }}
  • View
  • Incremental
  • Ephemeral



Custom schemas


Testing & documentation

  • Schema test supported
  • Data tests supported from dbt 0.14.1
  • Docs


  • Timestamp
  • Check

But, columns in source table can not have any constraints. If for example any column has a NOT NULL constraint, an error will be thrown.


There is now possible to define a regular sql server index on a table. This is best used when the default clustered columnstore index materialisation is not suitable. One reason would be that you need a large table that usually is queried one row at a time.

Clusterad and non-clustered index are supported:

  • create_clustered_index(columns, unique=False)
  • create_nonclustered_index(columns, includes=False)
  • drop_all_indexes_on_table(): Drops current indexex on a table. Only meaningfull if model is incremental.

Example of applying Unique clustered index on two columns, Ordinary index on one column, Ordinary index on one column with another column included

        "as_columnstore": false, 
        "materialized": 'table',
        "post-hook": [
            "{{ create_clustered_index(columns = ['row_id', 'row_id_complement'], unique=True) }}",
            "{{ create_nonclustered_index(columns = ['modified_date']) }}",
            "{{ create_nonclustered_index(columns = ['row_id'], includes = ['modified_date']) }}",




  • Fixes an issue with clustered columnstore index not beeing created.


New Features:

  • Ability to define an index in a poosthook


  • Previously when a model run was interupted unfinished models prevented the next run and you had to manually delete them. This is now fixed so that unfinished models will be deleted on next run.


Fix release for v0.15.0


  • Setting the port had no effect. Issue #9
  • Unable to generate docs. Issue #12


Requires dbt v0.15.0 or greater

pre v0.15.0

Requires dbt v0.14.x