
A simple tool to generate Style Guide automatically from Elm code

Primary LanguageElmBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

Elm Style Guide Generator

A simple tool to generate Style Guide automatically from Elm code.

This simple package generates a page with Style Guides. It uses certain data structure (called "introspection") that each section of the framework expose. This data contain information about syntax of the section.

The idea is to have a Living version of the Style Guide that always stays updated with no maintenance.

For more info about the idea, see this post.

For example let's suppose that we have a button module in our framework. We can expose some internal data doing this :

module Framework.Button exposing (button, introspection)

import Styleguide

introspection : Styleguide.Introspection msg
introspection =
    { name = "Button"
    , signature = "button : List Modifier -> Maybe msg -> String -> Element msg"
    , description = "Buttons accept a list of modifiers, a Maybe msg (for example: \"Just DoSomething\") and the text to display inside the button."
    , usage = "button [ Medium, Success, Outlined ] Nothing \"Button\""
    , usageResult = button [ Medium, Success, Outlined ] Nothing "Button"
    , boxed = False
    , types =
        [ ( "Sizes"
          , [ ( button [ Small ] Nothing "Button", "button [ Small ] Nothing \"Button\"" )
            , ( button [ Medium ] Nothing "Button", "button [ Medium ] Nothing \"Button\"" )
            , ( button [ Large ] Nothing "Button", "button [ Large ] Nothing \"Button\"" )

button : List Modifier -> Maybe msg -> String -> Element msg
button modifiers onPress label =
    here goes the button code

then from the page where you want to render the Style Guide:

module Main exposing (..)

import Element exposing (..)
import Framework.Button
import Framework.Color
import Framework.Spinner
import Html
import Styleguide

type alias Model =
    { styleguide : Styleguide.Model

type Msg
    = StyleguideMsg Styleguide.Msg

update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
    case msg of
        StyleguideMsg msg ->
                ( newModel, newCmd ) =
                    Styleguide.update msg model.styleguide
            ( { model | styleguide = newModel }, Cmd.none )

init : ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init =
    ( { styleguide =
            [ ( Framework.Button.introspection, True )
            , ( Framework.Spinner.introspection, True )
            , ( Framework.Color.introspection, True )
    , Cmd.none

view : Model -> Html.Html Msg
view model =
    layout [] <|
        Element.map StyleguideMsg (Styleguide.viewPage model.styleguide)

main : Program Never Model Msg
main =
        { init = init
        , view = view
        , update = update
        , subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.none

This package use an Experimental version of style-elements so major changes may happen at any time to this Repo.


List of Style Guide Generators in other languages https://github.com/davidhund/styleguide-generators


  • v.3.0.1 Added "Simple" example and updated the README
  • v.3.0.0
  • v.2.0.1
  • v.2.0.0 Transformed elm-styleguide-generator into a widget (with model/view/update) so that is possible to toggle sections (close/open)
  • v.1.0.1
  • v.1.0.0