
👾 Attempt to create several microservices and use service registry to display their health status on a dashboard.

Primary LanguageScala

Microservices at your service! 👾

Implementing Service Registry using Eureka Server 🍀

  1. Create a maven-scala-seed project in your VS Code.
  2. Leverage the pom.xml file which has the latest related dependencies. Then, build the project.
  3. application.yml has related configurations such as port etc, which is crucial so that our server doesn't try to register with itself.
  4. Be extra careful while installing the correction version of dependencies.
  5. References:
    a. https://start.spring.io/
    b. https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.codehaus.jettison/jettison/1.2
    c. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKZVdkrTBTg&ab_channel=LearnCodeWithDurgesh

Eureka Dashboard

Once your project is up and running, visit the following link: http://localhost:8761/ and your eureka dashboard (with currently no instances registered with Eureka) should look as below: eureka-dashboard-1 eureka-dashboard-2