


  • Node.js 10
  • Enttec DMX USB Firmware


Clone this repo anywhere

cd /directory/of/install
npm install

Edit this line with the proper COM port for your enttec device:

const universe = dmx.addUniverse('lightstage', 'enttec-usb-dmx-pro', 'COM8');

If you have a dedicated device for TouchOSC edit this line in index.js with the IP Address of the device:

Note: As far as I can tell node-osc does not support multicasting or broadcasting, which is why we have to set this...

var oscClient = new Client('', 9000);


cd /directory/of/install
npm install
node index.js

Mapping DMX

Edit mappings.json with the appropriate channels for each logical light's brightness/color temp:

"fader1": {
    "ch_brightness": 1,
    "ch_color": 2,
    "brightness": 0.9597172737121582,
    "temp": 0.14298005402088165,
    "label": "label1"

Installing TouchOSC and Layout

Download TouchOSC and TouchOSC Editor from here:

Load lightstage.layout into TouchOSC Editor and install the layout on to your device.

Configure TouchOSC with the following values in settings:

Host: IP of Host Machine (the one running this software)
Port (outgoing): 7700
Port (incoming): 9000

Layout: Lightstage