
[DEPRECATED] Pushbots command line tool.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

PushBots CLI

PushBots command line interface.

Want to quickly set-up your app for notifications from your terminal?

Install PushBots in your Android and Phonegap application in litterally a few seconds. PushBots CLI will download our SDK, edit your manifest and do all the work for you. You are only two steps away from pure magic.

#Set-up To install pushbots-cli from npm, run:

$ npm install -g pushbots-cli

pushbots --help



$ pushbots install

Navigate to your Android project folder (Eclipse/Android Studio) or Phonegap project and run the command and PushBots CLI will download our SDK, edit your manifest and do all the work for you.


$ pushbots remove

Remove pushbots installed in your project.


$ pushbots test

Send a test push notifications to your device.


$ pushbots config

Change APPID, APP SECRET, or GCM Sender ID.


Built using generator-commader.

Thanks for @drmas for his contributions.


Copyright (c) 2015 PushBots

MIT License