
a PHP standalone client for PushBots API sending functionality.

Primary LanguagePHP

DEPRECATED PLEASE USE NEW PACKAGE https://github.com/pushbots/pushbots-php

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The [PushBots PHP Client] (http://www.pushbots.com/) is a PHP client for PushBots API sending functionality.


The minimal you'll need to have is:

// Push The notification with parameters
$pb = new PushBots();
// Application ID
$appID = 'XXXXXXXX';
// Application Secret
$appSecret = 'XXXXXXXX';
$pb->App($appID, $appSecret);
// Notification Settings

Send to one device

$pb = new PushBots();
$appID = 'XXXXXXXX';
$appSecret = 'XXXXXXXX';
$pb->App($appID, $appSecret);

Check other functions below:

// Push The notification with parameters
$pb = new PushBots();
// Application ID
$appID = '';
// Application Secret
$appSecret = '';
$pb->App($appID, $appSecret);
// Notification Settings
// Tags Array

// The time to send the notification, in UTC e.g. 2015-04-02T11:33:00.

// Custom fields
// Push it !
// Update Alias
 * set Alias Data
 * @param   integer $platform 0=> iOS or 1=> Android.
 * @param   String  $token Device Registration ID.
 * @param   String  $alias New Alias.
$pb->AliasData(1, "APA91bFpQyCCczXC6hz4RTxxxxx", "test");
// set Alias on the server
// Push to Single Device
// Notification Settings
$pb->AlertOne("test Mesage");

//Remove device by Alias



Thanks goes to these wonderful people:



Abdullah Diaa


Theunis De Klerk


Contributions of any kind welcome!