
All you need to securely access your printer from the outside world, along with other useful utilities for 3d printing.

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All you need to securely access your printer from the outside world, along with other useful utilities for 3d printing.

Install instructions

First, setup port forwarding of UDP port 51820 to your pi's IP address. Giving your PI a static ip is recommended but not strictly necessary. However if your pi's ip ever changes you will need to redo this port forwarding.

Easy mode install

If you have a fresh install on your Pi and want the minimal muss and fuss this is for you. This will download and install everything you need to get the PrintLab up and running.

  1. Obtain and install Ubuntu 20.04+ from https://ubuntu.com/download/raspberry-pi
  2. Be sure to update network-config on the boot root if you are using WiFi

NOTE If this is a fresh Ubuntu install fire up your pi, wait 2 minutes, then power cycle it if using WiFi. WiFi doesn't work until the 2nd boot with Ubuntu.

NOTE 2 If this is a fresh install of ubuntu be sure to let it idle a about 15 minutes before starting the install. Ubuntu automatically updates and running this installer prior to it completing can cause weird behavior. You can check that it's done by running the following command:

ps -ef | grep apt

If all you see is something similar to this, you can continue:

ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ ps -ef | grep apt
ubuntu     45931    2142  0 03:47 pts/0    00:00:00 grep --color=auto apt
  1. ssh into your pi via ssh ubuntu@piaddress default password is ubuntu. Follow the prompts and re-login.
  2. run the following command:
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pushc6/PrintLab/master/EasyMode/install.sh | bash
  1. Profit.

After the script finishes everything should be installed and running. Point your browser to http://piaddress:8088 to get your WireGuard QRCode.

Familiar with docker-compose install

If you are familiar with docker-compose you can clone this repo and run "docker-compose up -d" and it will do the same thing as the above. The script above assumes you have nothing pre-configured.


If you use the "easy-mode" install you probably don't need to configure anything, it should just work. If you do need to configure something most everything is located in the docker-compose.yml file, minus the nginx config which has it's own folder.

What's installed?

PrintLab contains several images that help make installation\management easier. If you are a power user you don't need to install nginx or portainer if you don't want, you can just remove them from the docker-compose.yaml. But if you are a power user, you probably wouldn't be using this image anyway (yet).


This is the main reason for this repo. It allows for easy and secure access to your printer while at home via apps like Octopod.


This is used to provide easy access to the QR code necessary to configure the wireguard client. It is always online so you can quick reference it


If you want to make changes or view the status of your services this has been installed to make that easier for non-power users.