
Ruby WebSocket client for Pusher Channels

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

pusher-client: Ruby WebSocket client for Pusher Channels

Build Status

pusher-client is a Ruby gem for consuming WebSockets from the Pusher Channels web service.


gem install pusher-client

This gem is compatible with jruby since 0.2.

Single-Threaded Usage

The application will pause at channels_client.connect and handle events from Pusher Channels as they happen.

require 'pusher-client'
cluster = 'mt1'  # take this from your app's config in the dashboard
channels_client = PusherClient::Socket.new(YOUR_APPLICATION_KEY, {
  secure: true,
  ws_host: "ws-#{cluster}.pusher.com"

# Subscribe to two channels

# Subscribe to presence channel
channels_client.subscribe('presence-channel3', USER_ID)

# Subscribe to private channel
channels_client.subscribe('private-channel4', USER_ID)

# Subscribe to presence channel with custom data (user_id is mandatory)
channels_client.subscribe('presence-channel5', :user_id => USER_ID, :user_name => 'john')

# Bind to a global event (can occur on either channel1 or channel2)
channels_client.bind('globalevent') do |data|
  puts data

# Bind to a channel event (can only occur on channel1)
channels_client['channel1'].bind('channelevent') do |data|
  puts data


Asynchronous Usage

With channels_client.connect(true), the connection to Pusher Channels will be maintained in its own thread. The connection will remain open in the background as long as your main application thread is running, and you can continue to subscribe/unsubscribe to channels and bind new events.

require 'pusher-client'
channels_client = PusherClient::Socket.new(YOUR_APPLICATION_KEY)
channels_client.connect(true) # Connect asynchronously

# Subscribe to two channels

# Bind to a global event (can occur on either channel1 or channel2)
channels_client.bind('globalevent') do |data|
  puts data

# Bind to a channel event (can only occur on channel1)
channels_client['channel1'].bind('channelevent') do |data|
  puts data

loop do
  sleep(1) # Keep your main thread running

Using native WebSocket implementation

This gem depends on the websocket gem which is a pure Ruby implementation of websockets.

However it can optionally use a native C or Java implementation for a 25% speed increase by including the websocket-native gem in your Gemfile.

Copyright and license

See LICENSE.txt.