Pusher Channels client library for Java targeting general Java and Android
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Watchlist with Springboot
#369 opened by kitare17 - 1
Trigger method does not exists on version 2.4.4
#368 opened by dharmeshgigs - 0
IllegalStateException error is thrown when the server is closed on a logged-in server
#367 opened by tariksapmaz - 4
Fatal Exception: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError [ com.pusher.client.Pusher$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0 ]
#352 opened by gmg-avid - 1
#363 opened by goodale - 5
NullPointerException when authorizing private channel
#357 opened by lttlang - 0
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com.pusher.client.Pusher$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0 on Android API 21-22 anyway
#366 opened by Yoko999 - 4
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WebSocket Compression
#364 opened by nicorichard - 1
When bind_global will be added to java library?
#362 opened by InputOutputZ - 5
When change network status puhser crash
#361 opened by abora97 - 3
ChannelAuthorizer supports only synchronous flow
#340 opened by barsumek - 0
Batch Auth Requests
#360 opened by billypap1 - 1
Missing class org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder (referenced from: void org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.bind() and 3 other contexts) when using Pusher library
#358 opened by anonym24 - 2
An exception is getting thrown by the application and failing to connect to the websocket service
#354 opened by lincontroy - 3
Proxy settings not working
#356 opened by apouche - 4
IllegalArgumentException on connection
#321 opened by sarthakgandhidunzo - 2
PusherOptions.readVersionFromProperties android.os.strictmode.DiskReadViolation
#288 opened by wbervoets - 0
Fatal Exception: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError [ com.pusher.client.Pusher$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0 ]
#351 opened by gmg-avid - 5
Authorize with secret key
#342 opened by tnt-ndricimh - 4
Vulnerability with legacy Gson dependency
#305 opened by grandstaish - 21
Any pusher-websocket-java version after 2.2.8 will crash when obfuscated with Proguard or R8
#333 opened by julioromano - 4
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On Android 6 Exception java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: at com.pusher.client.Pusher.<init> (Pusher.java:108)
#334 opened by jt-gilkeson - 7
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com.pusher.client.-$$Lambda$Pusher$roDLx-G6z2LMO45pVffrVWTG41U
#335 opened by bettkipronoh - 1
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Invalid response from Authorizer: no user_id key in channel_data object: null
#318 opened by usman-khawar - 4
Crash when updating from 2.4.0 to 2.4.1
#338 opened by Jeff11 - 1
Authorizer with Secret key
#319 opened by daliborristic883 - 1
Presence Channel Android Bug
#317 opened by mannea94 - 2
How to use authorizer.authorize() ?
#316 opened by sebasdeweert - 4
Cannot resolve method 'bind' in 'Pusher'
#311 opened by faganchalabizada - 2
After disconnet the internert my Application crashed
#308 opened by MOhsain - 4
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Private channel subscription failed
#303 opened by MosesWangira - 2
Wrong presence channel behavior (Android/IOS)
#299 opened by Nuclominus - 1
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Already subscribed to a channel with name private-user.5
#301 opened by willBars - 3
connection problem in android 8
#300 opened by rezafelegari - 2
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Channel name private-user.13.25 is invalid. Private channel names must start with "private-" and presence channel names must start with "presence-"
#298 opened by willBars - 1
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PusherEvent push data in fragment twice
#272 opened by hafiz013 - 0
No Pusher method/options to add Http headers for web-socket connection establishment
#273 opened by vrjgamer - 11
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Automatically disconnects after 30 seconds
#294 opened by ljh0326 - 1
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ProGuard R8 Obfuscation not working in android app
#292 opened by lucasgv - 1
OnEvent in Presence Channel doesn't fire
#291 opened by SaadSabry - 2
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NoSuchMethodError Pusher 2.2.4 with Android 6
#283 opened by Jeff11 - 1