
Zeemz Portal: Kitty Vortex written in Cadence for Flow

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Zeemz Portal: Kitty Vortex

Zeemz Portal: Kitty Vortex

What is the Kitty Vortex?

The Kitty Vortex is one of those Cat Secrets that all cat owners understand as inexplicable cat occurences. In other words, the Kitty Vortex is the magic behind how your cat got in that crazy ass space.

The Kitty Vortex is powered by the Stars of Pu'Shing Bhu'Tons Universe and opens a Portal into Zeemz: The Versipisces Secret (TM) (see the Zeemz Announcement). Any CryptoKitties can access the Kitty Vortex, but they have to have access to the power from at least one Pu'Shing Bhu'Tons Star.

How do I get a Star?

The Zeemz Observatory has charted one astronmical unit (AU) of spacetime within the Pu'Shing Bhu'Tons Universe. The Zeemz Observatory asks Citizen Scientists to point their telescopes to the night sky, to mark down the stars that they see, and to submit these findings for Zeemz Research. The star finder (that's you, dear Kitty) will recieve a certificate (zSTAR) documenting the Pu'Shing Bhu'Tons Star(s) that was/were found during one session.

zSTAR Attributes

name - user input upto 25 char (no specials?)
color - blue, white, red, orange, yellow
type - variable, giant, supergiant, red dwarf, white dwarf, nova, supernova, nebula
magnitudes - brightness scale 1 - 6
number - single, binary, multiple, open cluster, globular cluster
distance - light years from Zeemz Observatory OR parallax (number)

NOTE: some of these attributes will cause the others to automatically change. For example, if you pick "white dwarf" the color will auto change to "white". Additionally, the quantity of stars minted depend on user inputs. zSTAR certs are logged onto the blockchain account holders storage by the Pu'Shing Bhu'Tons Star Minter (Flow NFT Minter).

Actual Steps (In-Dev)

  1. Go to zeemz.xyz and click the Kitty Vortex (Icon in footer) to open Zeemz Portal page (coming soon)
  2. In Zeemz Portal login to Metamask (coming soon)
  3. Click on Observatory (coming soon) to open Zeemz Astral Logger (ZAL) Verify account = if 1CK + 1pbvStar, then open Vortex. If no, then throw error with info to get the missing assets a. first time user: input the name of your star(s), record the attributes, and hit submit. Your findings will be added by ZAL to the blockchain and your account will be credited with a zSTAR certificate. b. returning user: ZAL dashboard
  4. ZAL dashboard - choose a kitty and a star to see their combined attributes, mix and match at will, try different ck-zstar combinations in the Zeemz Adventures. (Features: give ck, pbvstar, zeemz balances, transfer/gift star(s), opensea integration?, popup intro to kitties and stars, ck gear, kitty levels, dna unlocks, gem/item crafting)

Ethereum Smart Contracts

1 Astronomical Unit of Space-Time in the Pu'Shing Bhu'tons 'Verse
92,955,807 tPBV

What are Stars good for?

In addition to giving CryptoKitties access to the Kitty Vortex, cat superpowers are fueled by the stars. Kitties get special skillsets for their combined attributes, use these skills to make kickass equipment for your Zeemz characters. All kitties will be able to trigger the Kitty Vortex, if the address holder has at least 1 zSTAR. But, their powers will be linked to the unique combo of Kitty and Star attriubutes. So, 1 zSTAR will work with any kitty in the wallet and they will all have different powers.

Kitty Vortex in Pandemic Patch on AskCo19 Island

The Zeemz game was always meant to have a CryptoKitties portal (the Kitty Vortex) powered by the Zeemz Stars (zStars). This also means that we can back some of the ASK & ZMZ tokens with CryptoKitties or Wrapped CryptoKitties. A doctor can set the quest and then choose a CryptoKitty as the end quest reward.

NOTE: The Flow team and CryptoKitties community is awesome and receptive to helping out with questions about the smart contracts, JS SDKs, or anything else to bring the AskCo19 Island use case to life. Flow dev is working on Cadence as a resource oriented blockchain language.

I Want to Help Build the Kitty Vortex

Join us

  1. Devpost Hackathons: write zStar contract in Solidity for Ethereum
  2. OWB Bootcamp: write zStar contract in Cadence for Flow