
Zeems: The Versipisces Secret game engine --> ZeemsCore (Ethereum Solidity smart contracts + LoomSDK)

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Zeemz: The Versipisces Secret game engine (aka "ZeemzCore") is written in Solidity for Ethereum smart contracts and utilizes the LoomSDK for side-chain transactions. This makes Zeemz a multi-layer blockchain game.

About Zeemz

See Zeemz-Ann for full details of the project.

Bug Bounties (Coming Soon)

I'm just a blogger, trying to make an invisible universe tangible. If you find bugs in my code, please, please, please, let me know. Submit a pull request or create an issue. I get to everything as quickly as health, life, and mitigating circumstances allow. Once the Pu'Shing Bhu'Tons (PSBT) token is live, I'll set bounties for bugs based on typical levels of severity, with critical issues receiving the highest bounties. I'll use Gitcoin's suggestions to create fair bounties. I'm currently working out the budget and distributions.


tPBV: the Pu'Shing Bhu'Tons Verse : 0x4877d13ac6ccaa947b74792b9bd46afc5e00e8eb
ZMZLR: ZEEMZ Land Registry : 0x97971e65a8a1506d56e841344b782e5e2d5fae1c
ZMZB: ZEEMZ Bathymetry : 0xffcf27ced025f30324be76b54192df40028e1f9c
PBTD: Pu'Shing Bhu'Tons Terra Damnata : 0x66617d37793c1a6beda3b433b501e60310f31730
PBIF: Pu'Shing Bhu'Tons Ignes Fatui : 0x88cef2ba2e715c7211cd204acb089d3e3131f27b
PBAE: Pu'Shing Bhu'Tons Anareta Ego : 0x79eb6f0fac2b10b452c03880eb72c749ff29c147


tPBV: the Pu'Shing Bhu'Tons Verse: RINKEBY 0xd63b36b60f816817207747469247b4b6a4f0766d
tPBV: the Pu'Shing Bhu'Tons Verse: KOVAN 0xa64028030edf00bd412c10cde661b4cf0173ddf2


Zeemz: Pandemic Patch is MIT licensed to encourage the development of solutions that fight Coronavirus.
Zeemz: The Versipisces Secret is Copyright (c) 2020 Monique Finley and Jennifer Landry. All Rights Reserved.
The Pu'Shing Bhu'Tons 'Verse is Copyright (c) 2020 Monique Finley and Jennifer Landry. All Rights Reserved.
The Pu'Shing Bhu'Tons Series is Copyright (c) 2020 Monique Finley. All Rights Reserved.

3rd Party Licenses

CryptoZombies is Copyright (c) 2020 Loom Network. All Rights Reserved.
CryptoKitties is Copyright (c) 2020 Axiom Zen. All Rights Reserved.


  • Add ZeemzCore source code
  • Add links to PSBT token repo (when available)
  • Add dependencies list
  • Add build instructions (solidity, remix, etc).
  • Add Ethereum Testnet instructions
  • Integrate LoomSDK
  • Create Zeemz Portal: Kitty Vortex using Cadence for Flow (new blockchain by developers of CryptoKitties)