
APIs for Login, Pull data from G-sheets and update the same.

Tech Stack

  1. Node.js & Express
  2. G-Sheets

Instructions to setup

  1. Node version > 4
  2. Google Developer's Account
  3. Postman (To test APIs)
Steps to follow
  1. git clone
  2. npm i # install dependencies
  3. create a googlesheet and enable google sheet api in the google developers console and download credentials to node-google-sheets/common/secrets/ folder
  4. npm run dev # run the development environment
  5. import postman collection in postman to run apis
  6. hit login api
  7. open the url from terminal in browser and authorize the app to get a success code to be entered in the terminal.
  8. you're good to go to pull data from gsheet and update the cells in same