
Effectively re-engage your visitors with web push notifications

MIT LicenseMIT

Pushmix Pushmix - Web Push Notification Service


In the past year I have integrated Web Push Notifications into a number of websites and in most cases, I was repeating my self all over again. This brought me to the idea of creating a service that will satisfy the majority requirements and provide a simple yet sturdy way of getting started with push notifications.

Pushmix is effective and dependable web service helping to reconnect with your audience through customised web push notifications.

Our service is FREE to register and use.


Following requirements must be met in order to use Pushmix service:

  • Website must be served via HTTPS://

Don't have SSL, check out Cloudflare


  • Audience segmentation via topic subscription
  • Customised opt-in prompt
  • Action buttons
  • Open and Click Through Rate Stats
  • Integration with Google Analytics
  • Customised notification icon and badge
  • Laravel and WordPress integration
  • Large image support
  • Notification Lifespan
  • Subscriber device information
  • Subscriber device GEO location

Getting Started

This documentation designed to help you to start using the Pushmix service and send notification messages just in few minutes, no specific technical skills are required.

For users wishing to have more control and send notifications directly from your own application check out our Laravel package, WordPress plug-in or API section.

By creating an account and using our service you agree to be bound with our Terms & Conditions, including our Privacy Policy.


  • 01 - Sign Up

Create an account or log in to your dashboard.

  • 02 - Create Subscription

Enter opt-in prompt Title and Description, add up to two optional Topics to segment your audience, provide optional Icon URL and Google Analytics Tracking ID

  • 03 - Integration

Copy and paste a few lines of JavaScript or use our Laravel package or WordPress plug-in. See API section for more granular integration with your application.

  • 04 - Grow Audience

Build up and grow your audience by displaying an opt-in prompt on more than one of your web pages and encourage visitors to subscribe to your push notifications.

  • 05 - Engage

Engage your audience with time-sensitive, relevant and accurate push notification messages. Send notifications from Pushmix Dashboard, if you are using one of our plug-ins or prefer API you can send notifications directly from your application.

  • 06 - Analyse

Review and analyse notification stats to improve your performance.

Create Subscription

1. Details

In the dashboard click New Subscription and enter your Website URL and the opt-in prompt Title. Use the optional Description field to motivate your visitors to subscribe to your notifications.

All subscription details can be edited later, in exception of the website address.

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Use the Preview button to view the opt-in prompt, continue entering details and see changes in real time.

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2. Topics

Topics are important elements of subscription, allowing users to subscribe only for notifications of their interests i.e. Order Dispatched.

Topics allow you to segment your subscriber's audience and target only those users who have expressed interest in the specific subject. For example, send notification only to those users who have opted in for Order Dispatched topic.

However, topics are optional and you can skip this step.

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3. Extra

Notification Icon URL, Badge Icon URL and Google Analytics Tracking ID are optional parameters.

The Icon URL is the small image that displayed next to the title and the body of the notification. Recommended icon image dimensions are 192x192 pixels. Read more.

The Badge URL is a monochrome icon that used to provide more information to the user about the notification sender. Read more.

If Icon URL and Badge URL parameters are not provided, default Pushmix icons will be used.

Track user interactions in real time with Google Analytics Event Tracking. Enter your GA Tracking ID to receive web notification views and click events.

Press Submit to create the subscription, instructions on how to embed subscription code will be displayed.

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Subscription ID

After you have created new subscription the Subscription ID will be displayed on the screen. The Subscription ID can also be found later in the Dashboard under subscription Code section.

If you choose Laravel Package or WordPress Plugin you will only need Subscription ID.

With JavaScript integration, you require to upload Service Worker file to the web server and include few lines of JavaScript at the bottom of the page to display subscription opt-in prompt for your visitors to subscribe for web notifications.


Following methods are available to integrate Pushmix service:

If you using Laravel Package or WordPress Plug-in you can skip the rest of this document.

For notifications open rate and click through stats you will need to login to Pushmix Dashboard.

Service Worker

Download service worker and upload it to the root of the public directory on your web server. The service worker file must be accessible via public URL under the domain name you wish to send web notifications from.

For example, my website domain name is pushmix.co.uk than Service Worker must be accessible via this URL:


Subscription Code

Copy subscription code from the dashboard and paste it at the bottom of the web page to start building your audience. You can add subscription code to more than one page. When a webpage is loaded subscription code trigger the opt-in prompt to be displayed. In the event when the web browser is not supported, the opt-in prompt will not be displayed.

<script type="text/javascript">
    var _pm = {
        // replace with your SUBSCRIPTION_ID
        "subscriber_id": "SUBSCRIPTION_ID",
        // replace with Service Worker URL
        "sw" : "https://YOUR_DOMAIN_NAME/pm_service_worker.js",

        "api": "https://www.pushmix.co.uk/api/"
        var block = document.createElement('script');
        block.type = 'text/javascript';
        block.async = false;
        block.defer = true;
        block.src = 'https://www.pushmix.co.uk/js/pm.js';
        var el = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
        el.parentNode.insertBefore(block, el);

Include Subscription Code using Google Tag Manager Custom HTML tag.

Opt-in Prompt

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Visit the section of your website where you have added the subscription code to ensure the opt-in prompt is working as expected. Any changes to the subscription details applied in the Pushmix Dashboard will have an immediate effect, web page reloads may be required.

The opt-in prompt can be used to subscribe for push notifications as well as toggle subscription states or unsubscribe from further notifications.

Sending Web Push Notifications

In the Dashboard, you will find one or more of your subscriptions cards. Press Push Notification button at the bottom of subscription card.

There are three steps that you will need to go through to prepare the notification message: Select Audience, Enter Content and specify Actions.

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1. Audience


From the drop-down select subscriber's Audience, you would like to target, by default all subscribers are selected. The number in the brackets indicating the total number of subscribers for each topic*.

*Number of subscribers only available in the Pushmix Dashboard.

If you have specified additional topics, they are available from the drop-down box. Only one audience group can be selected at a time.

Priority drop-down consists of two choices High and Normal

High is selected by default. This feature regulates how push notification being delivered, priority messages attempted to be delivered immediately.

Normal priority messages won't open network connections on a sleeping device, and message delivery may be delayed to conserve battery.

Notification Lifespan of a message corresponds to the maximum period of time for which message delivery will be attempted, 1 Hour is default choice. This feature helps to prevent from delivering messages with content that no longer relevant.

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2. Content

Notification Title, Body and URL

Enter notification Title and Body, keep it brief. In the URL field enter a valid website address, when a user clicks or press on notification this URL will be loaded in the web browser.

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2. Actions

You can define up to two action buttons to be displayed with a notification. All fields are optional, however, if you choose to specify Action Title than Action URL is required.

Additionally, you can select an icon from the drop-down list to display on the button. Please note: action icons may not be displayed.

Image URL The large image can be included in the notification body, recommended the width of 1350px or more would be a good bet. Simply enter valid image URL.

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It's always good to test notification and preview results before sending it out. Simply press Push Test button. If your web browser supports push notifications you will see one shortly.

Once you happy with the test press Push Notification button and your notifications will be dispatched. Check your Google Analytics Real-Time Events section to see user interactions with web notifications you just send.

Windows Chrome 69
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Windows Firefox 63
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Linux Firefox 62
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Linux Chromium 69
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Linux Chrome 69
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Samsung Chrome 70
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Samsung Internet 7
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Each subscription card has the list of actions, Logs is one of them. The Logs keep track of all notifications you have send, open & click through rate and many more.

Subscription and Notification Stats

The section consists of a subscription summary, that displays the total number of dispatched notifications, the total number of open notifications and average open rate as well as the total number of notification clicks and average click-through rate.

The summary section also provides the list of all notifications that have been sent, including notification title, audience notification has been sent to, the number of successfully delivered and failed notifications, date and time notification was dispatched.

  • Total Dispatched Notifications
  • Open Notifications
  • Notification Clicks
  • Notification Details List
  • Average Open Rate
  • Average Click Rate

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Notification Campaign Stats

Drill-down to view selected notification details, including open and click rates, device type, operating system, browser and it's the version, device city, postcode and county. Beautiful graphs and Google Map will help to visualise collected information.

For your convenience re-send notification to the same subscribers or choose to re-send notification for the users who did not engage in the first notification dispatch.

  • Delivered Notification
  • Failed Notification
  • Notification Clicks
  • Open Notification
  • Average Open Rate
  • Average Click Rate
  • Subscriber Device Information
  • Subscriber GEO Location
  • Grahs & Map
  • Re-Send Notification
  • Re-Send to not-engaged subscribers

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The geographical device details are obtained during interaction with opt-in prompt and/or notification and may not represent the current device location.

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API Endpoint

All API URLs listed in this documentation are relative to https://www.pushmix.co.uk/api/

All methods are accessed via https://pushmix.co.uk/api/METHOD-NAME

The response data encoded in JSON format. Any none-200 HTTP response code is an error, the returned data will contain more information.

Send Web Push Notification

API end point: https://www.pushmix.co.uk/api/push

Request Method: POST

Accepted parameters:

// Required Parameters
'key_id'            => 'YOUR SUBSCRIPTION_ID', // Subscription ID
'topic'             => 'all', // 'all' or topic id from /api/get/topics call see below
'title'             => 'Hello',
'body'              => 'Welcome to Pushmix!',
'default_url'       => 'https://www.pushmix.co.uk',

// Optional Parameters

// Notification Life Span
// this parameter must be a duration from 0 to 2,419,200 seconds
'time_to_live'      => '3600', // 1 hour

// Message Priority
'priority'          => 'high', // or normal

// Notification Icon URL
'icon'      => 'https://www.pushmix.co.uk/media/favicons/apple-touch-icon.png',

// Notification Badge Icon URL
'badge'     => 'https://www.pushmix.co.uk/media/favicons/pm_badge_v2.png',

 // Large Image URL
'image'     => 'https://www.pushmix.co.uk/media/photos/photo16.jpg',

// Action Button title
'action_title_one'  => 'Features',
// Action URL - required with action_url_one
'action_url_one'    => 'https://www.pushmix.co.uk/features',

// Action Button title
'action_title_two'  => 'Documentation',
// Action URL - required with action_url_two
'action_url_two'    => 'https://www.pushmix.co.uk/docs',


$data = [

    // Required Parameters
    'key_id'            => 'YOUR SUBSCRIPTION_ID', // Subscription ID
    'topic'             => 'all', // 'all' or topic id from /api/get/topics call see below
    'title'             => 'Hello',
    'body'              => 'Welcome to Pushmix!',
    'default_url'       => 'https://www.pushmix.co.uk',


$ch = curl_init( 'https://www.pushmix.co.uk/api/push' );

# Setup request to send json via POST.
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode( $data ) );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type:application/json'));

# Return response instead of printing.
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true );

# Send request.
$result = curl_exec($ch);

return json_decode($result);


const payloadData = {
    // Required Parameters
    'key_id'            : 'SUBSCRIPTION_ID', // Subscription ID
    'topic'             : 'all', // 'all' or topic id from /api/get/topics call see below
    'title'             : 'Hello',
    'body'              : 'Welcome to Pushmix!',
    'default_url'       : 'https://www.pushmix.co.uk',

  // Format data into URI
  const payloadString = Object.keys(payloadData)
  .filter(function(key) {
    return payloadData[key];
  .map(function(key) {
    return key + '=' + encodeURIComponent(payloadData[key]);

fetch('https://www.pushmix.co.uk/api/push', {
  method: 'POST',
      "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
.then(res => res.json())
.then(response => {

    // contains error
        throw new Error(response.error);

    // response object

    } )
  // catch and display an error


var express     = require('express');
var router      = express.Router();
var querystring = require('querystring');
var https       = require('https');

// Build the post string from an object
var post_data = querystring.stringify({
    'key_id'            : 'SUBSCRIPTION_ID', // Subscription ID
    'topic'             : 'all', // 'all' or topic id from /api/get/topics call see below
    'title'             : 'Hello',
    'body'              : 'Welcome to Pushmix!',
    'default_url'       : 'https://www.pushmix.co.uk',

// HTTP Request options
var post_options = {
    host: 'www.pushmix.co.uk',
    port: '443',
    path: '/api/get/topics',
    method: 'POST',
    headers: {
      'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
      'Content-Length': Buffer.byteLength(post_data)

var response_data = '';
var req = https.request(post_options, (res) => {

    res.on('data', (d) => {
        response_data += d;

    res.on('end', () => {
      // do something with your response object


// catch an error response
req.on('error', (e) => {

//send request witht the post_data form


curl -d "key_id=SUBSCRIPTION_ID&topic=all&title=Hello&body=Welcome%20to%20Pushmix%21&default_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pushmix.co.uk" 'https://www.pushmix.co.uk/api/push'


// /api/push - response
  {succes: true}

  // Error response
  {error:"Error details message"}

Retrieve Subscription Topics

API end-point: https://www.pushmix.co.uk/api/get/topics

Request Method: POST

Required parameter: SUBSCRIPTION_ID


$ch = curl_init( 'https://www.pushmix.co.uk/api/get/topics' );

# Setup request to send json via POST.
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode( ['subscription_id' => 'SUBSCRIPTION_ID'] ) );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type:application/json'));

# Return response instead of printing.
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true );

# Send request.
$result = curl_exec($ch);

// do something with your response
return json_decode($result);


const payloadData = {
  // Subscription ID
  subscription_id: 'SUBSCRIPTION_ID',

  // Format data into URI
  const payloadString = Object.keys(payloadData)
  .filter(function(key) {
    return payloadData[key];
  .map(function(key) {
    return key + '=' + encodeURIComponent(payloadData[key]);

// make an API call
fetch('https://www.pushmix.co.uk/api/get/topics', {
  method: 'POST',
      "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
.then(res => res.json())
.then(response => {

    // contains error
        throw new Error(response.error);

    // your response - array of subscription topics

    } )
  // catch and display an error


var express     = require('express');
var router      = express.Router();
var querystring = require('querystring');
var https       = require('https');

  // Build the post string from an object
    var post_data = querystring.stringify({
      subscription_sid: 'SUBSCRIPTION_ID'

  // An object of options to indicate where to post to
  var post_options = {
      host: 'www.pushmix.co.uk',
      port: '443',
      path: '/api/get/topics',
      method: 'POST',
      headers: {
          'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
          'Content-Length': Buffer.byteLength(post_data)

    var response_data = '';
    var req = https.request(post_options, (res) => {

        res.on('data', (d) => {
            response_data += d;

        res.on('end', () => {


    req.on('error', (e) => {

    //send request witht the post_data form


curl -d "subscription_id=SUBSCRIPTION_ID" 'https://www.pushmix.co.uk/api/get/topics'

** Response**

// /api/get/topics - response
    // Or an empty array if topics haven't been created
       0 => {
         "id": 17
         "topic_name": "Order Dispatched"
       1 => {
         "id": 18
         "topic_name": "Recurring Payments"

     // Error response

     {"error":"Error details message"}


If you come across any issues please report them here.

Security Vulnerabilities

If you discover a security vulnerability please send an e-mail to support@pushmix.co.uk.