
custom database connection scripts for cognito in Auth0

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Custom database connection with Cognito & Migration turned on

This repo contains the files and insturctions required to setup Cognito as a custom database connection with Auth0.

Cognito Setup

  • Create a user pool in aws cognito
    • For this user pool create an app client
      • This client should have no client secret
      • Make sure to check Enable username password auth for admin APIs for authentication (ALLOW_ADMIN_USER_PASSWORD_AUTH)
      • Make sure to select Legacy under Prevent User Existence Errors
  • Make a note of the following properties
    • UserPoolId - ID of the user pool
    • ClientID - Client ID of the application created above
    • region - AWS Region
    • accessKeyId - Access Key ID
    • secretAccessKey - Secret Access Key

Auth0 Setup

  • Create a database connection
    • Create a custom database connection and choose the name you want to use for it

    • Turn on the toggle Use my own database under the Custom Database tab

    • Under the database settings tab turn on toggles for

      • Requires Username
      • Import Users to Auth0 - This enables migration at login with Cognito
    • Go back to the Custom Database tab

      • Copy contents of auth0LoginDirect.js under the Login script
      • Copy contents of auth0GetUserDirect.js under the Get User script
    • Make sure you save both the scripts above

    • Remain on the same tab and scroll down to settings

      • Set the Confgiuration variables
        • accessKeyId : your access key for AWS
        • secretAccessKey: your secret key for AWS>
        • region : region of aws
        • UserPoolId : Id of the User Pool
        • ClientId : client id of the app created in cognito
    • At this point you have everything setup for the connection

    • Enable the connection in Auth0 by enabling this connection on an application

    • Test login and get user scripts