
A Simple Content Management System-Coded Using Mostly Procedural Programming Style in PHP

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT



Author: Victor Alagwu

Email: victoralagwu@gmail.com

Contact: +2348170449567

Project: Simple CMS Site

Victor CMS -A Simple Content Management System -

Admin Screenshot

This project was done when learning PHP using Edwin Daiz Udemy PHP for Beginners - Become a PHP Master Tutorial.

About Project

VictorCMS, is a content management system built by me when learning PHP via Edwin udemy video tutorial. 

Features of the Site

  • Admin Page: Only ADMIN can perform DELETE,EDIT,APPROVE,DISAPPROVE etc

  • CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete): operation added to category page in admin

  • Dashboard Page: for managing various stuffs

Admin Screenshot

  • Post Page: for managing the various posts to be made.

Post Screenshot

  • Categories Page: for creating and arranging categories

Registration Screenshot

  • Users Page: it also a page that contains list of all registrate users(can only be view by admin)

Registration Screenshot Registration Screenshot

Profile Page: that allows user to change their details

  • Registration Page: Allows Users to register
  • Local Authentication using either Username or Email, and Password
  • Search Page allows individuals to search for specify posts)
  • The Use of Password Hashing
  • Restricted to some pages in Admin dashboard to only admin Registration Screenshot

Tools used

  • Mysql
  • PHP
  • Bootstrap


  • Do the following change the code in the dbconnect.php $DB_host = "localhost"; $DB_user = "root"; $DB_pass = ""; $DB_name = "users_details";
  • Import the database file named "php_cms.sql"
  • After that you are done,register and login
  • "Just view the project"