- 1
Not a Issue, but a question
#51 opened by ECEstal - 0
No error, no response, no connection
#50 opened by shaunclark5649 - 5
Waiting for Auth event
#38 opened by ZariZaryab - 0
Error : util.inherits is not a function
#49 opened by Thomas-is-dev - 1
Can't connect to DayZ server
#48 opened by inkihh - 3
Csgo server returning "Bad Password"
#21 opened by JamesDolphin - 0
- 1
Rcon is not a constructor
#45 opened by ECEstal - 1
Doesn't seem to disconnect?
#46 opened by eX-C0n - 1
Example for less adept users
#44 opened by surpriseassociate - 1
Trouble with reconnections
#41 opened by MrDrummer - 6
Commands are not sending to the server console
#40 opened by Meow-Bots - 2
Unit testing
#39 opened by Syntro42 - 3
No Response
#37 opened by ZariZaryab - 5
Can't connect to server - buffer error
#32 opened by zer0grand - 1
Buffer Error
#36 opened by ZariZaryab - 2
I am getting the error authentication failed
#35 opened by squeaky2137 - 8
- 2
Unable to connect using RocketMod (Unturned)
#18 opened by encloinc - 1
send() isn't work well
#31 opened by jonathan-x01 - 1
Starter code not working for chivalry server
#34 opened by avi312singh - 1
A question
#28 opened by Shelly7w7 - 1
Invalid Arg type
#33 opened by SpiderUnderUrBed - 1
- 4
Get console messages
#19 opened by KSti56 - 0
Feature Request: Add "timed out" parameter
#29 opened by R4to0 - 3
Authentication Failed after short time
#25 opened by koedijk - 2
- 1
Another question
#23 opened by HEKOO321 - 1
- 1
- 3
- 0
RCON Response Packet Type being 0x04
#14 opened - 2
response for incomplete buffers
#10 opened by aikar - 31
Unhandled 'error' event
#5 opened by kevinsimper - 0
#2 opened