- 1
Expo Plugin to configure Pushy
#93 opened by franciscohanna92 - 4
Remove notification programmatically
#92 opened by franciscohanna92 - 1
- 17
No device token on iOS
#62 opened by Vaintti - 1
- 2
Testing on Expo Go
#61 opened by trajano - 3
Unable to receive notification
#88 opened by samadRopstam - 1
- 3
Attempt to invoke virtual method 'java.lang.Object android.content.Context.getSystemService(java.lang.String)' on a null object reference
#84 opened by faisalur-rehman - 1
Exception java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'java.lang.String android.content.Context.getPackageName()' on a null object reference
#85 opened by wynandjordaan - 1
not supporting apple tv
#83 opened by kashyapsatyam - 1
- 1
can not link with react native 0.70.1
#80 opened by artsztu27 - 9
- 3
- 1
#78 opened by ShahirZain - 2
Fastlane fails on PushyModule
#76 opened by ericchen0121 - 5
#46 opened by MrFreemind - 4
- 6
Notification in closed app state.
#49 opened by iampapagray - 3
Enable pushy for android only
#73 opened by sohamad - 5
Unable to react-native link pushy-react-native
#74 opened by chankahmun - 4
- 3
Pushy native module not loaded, please make sure to run "react-native link pushy-react-native" to link the native library to your project.
#71 opened by sohamad - 1
Typescript support
#70 opened by beng970804 - 1
Android Notification: Multiline text
#69 opened by luisfuertes - 1
Swift Compile Error @ 1.0.20
#68 opened by irbisdev - 1
Support for toggling in-app notification banner
#67 opened by irbisdev - 2
- 5
- 1
Missing documentation: setting AppId
#64 opened by hidde-jan - 1
- 2
- 3
- 1
- 8
Allow APN token input on Register()
#56 opened by causztic - 1
Reconfigure didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken on React Native iOS (Objective-C)
#57 opened by XfortunaX - 7
new install instructions please
#51 opened by jason-shen - 1
Changing bundle id doesn't change device token
#55 opened by leongzwss - 4
- 2
- 1
Suport for RN >= 60?
#52 opened by kayzenkayzen - 1
Pod Install error - target has transitive dependencies that include statically linked binaries
#50 opened by andredtr - 1
Possible native SDK memory leak cleanup
#48 opened by FutureGUIs - 10
Actionable notifications
#44 opened by VitaliiK91 - 1
Both Notification listener and Notificatin click listeners get called when i tap on notification
#47 opened by adnandev09 - 1
Cant register Pushy when app loads
#45 opened by DanielDanaee - 2
'React/RCTBundleURLProvider.h' file not found
#43 opened by VitaliiK91 - 1
- 1
refresh a component on opening a notification
#41 opened by jothikannan