
Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Pustike Web

Pustike Web provides API for creating application using RESTful Web Services with a central servlet DispatcherServlet, having an API similar to JAX-RS. Applications developed using this library can be deployed in any Servlet container like other web frameworks.

Following are some of its key features:

  • RESTful web services using a central servlet DispatcherServlet with an API similar to JAX-RS.
  • Provides resource class or method level annotation @Path to specify the relative path.
  • Specify the HTTP request method of a resource using: @GET, @PUT, @POST, @DELETE, @HEAD.
  • Specify the accepted request media type using @Consumes.
  • Specify the response media type with @Produces (used for content negotiation).
  • Annotation based method parameter to pull information out of the servlet request: @PathParam, @QueryParam, @BeanParam, @CookieParam, @FormParam, @HeaderParam, JsonParam. A default value can be specified using @DefaultValue which is used when the key is not found.
  • Integration with Pustike Inject during servlet context initialization.
  • Scopes: RequestScope that stores created instances as attributes in the request.
  • Static resource servlet to serve files or user defined static content.
  • Support for JSON - object mapping with option to output selected fields only, based on user defined context.
  • Requires Java 17 and it has dependencies to servlet-api and pustike inject, json libraries.

Documentation: Latest javadocs is available here.


To add a dependency using Maven, use the following:


Or, download the latest JAR(~60kB) from Maven Central.


This library is published under the Apache License, Version 2.0