
Provides notifications to Telegram chats

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semantic-release plugin. Provides notifications to Telegram chats.

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Commit activity FOSSA License Made in Ukraine

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ Help Ukraine

I woke up on my 26th birthday at 5 am from the blows of russian missiles. They attacked the city of Kyiv, where I live, as well as the cities in which my family and friends live. Now my country is a war zone.

We fight for democratic values, freedom, for our future! Once again Ukrainians have to stand against evil, terror, against genocide. The outcome of this war will determine what path human history is taking from now on.

πŸ’›πŸ’™ Help Ukraine! We need your support! There are dozen ways to help us, just do it!

Table of Contents


Platform Status

To use library you need to have node and npm installed in your machine:

  • node >=10
  • npm >=6

Package is continuously tested on darwin, linux and win32 platforms. All active and maintenance LTS node releases are supported.


To install the library run the following command

  npm i --save semantic-release-telegram


The plugin can be configured in the semantic-release configuration file:

  "plugins": [
    [ "semantic-release-telegram", {
      "chats": [ 123456789, -987654321 ]
    } ]

This is a minimal usage sample with a default configuration. Next messages will be sent:

Usage Sample


if needed, the configuration can be extended:

  "plugins": [
    ["semantic-release-telegram", {
      "name": "funny-app",
      "chats": [ 123456789 ],
      "templates": {
        "fail"    : "An error occured while trying to publish the new version of <b>{name}</b>.\n<pre><code class='language-javascript'>{error}</code></pre>",
        "success" : "A new version of <a href='{repository_url}'>{name}</a> has been released. Current version is <b>{version}</b>"


Config attribute description:

Option Required Type Description Default
name no string Application name. name from package.json
chats yes array List of chats for sending. The bot should have access to each chat.
templates.success no string HTML template, send in case of success. SUCCESS.html
templates.fail no string HTML template, send in case of fail. FAIL.html
assets no array List of files to upload. See Assets []
telegra.ph no object Publish and attach Telegraph story null

Template variables:

key Templates Description Example
repository_url success, fail The git repository URL. By default repository property in package.json or git origin url https://github.com/pustovitDmytro/semantic-release-telegram
name success, fail application name funny-app
version success new version 1.0.0
release_notes success generated notes
release_type success minor
commit success commit hash 13b16914f2893fa09e9a39f1dcda78af1fff0dbd
branch success, fail master
error fail thrown error SemanticReleaseError: Cannot push to the Git repository


To use this package, you need to register a new telegram bot. Then pass the next environment variables:



Can be glob or relative file path. name specifies file label in telegram. In the case of glob pattern, all files are uploaded in a single archive, name is required.


  "assets" : [
        { "path": "README.md" },
        { "glob": [ ".docs/*" ], "name": "Documentation.zip" }

Assets will be attached to release message as separate files.


Upload bulky markdowns, as telegra.ph stories. Use next api for this:

  "telegra.ph"  : {
    "title"   : "{name} v.{version}",
    "message" : "<a href='{telegraph_url}'>Release Notes</a>",
    "content" : "{release_notes}"

title and content represent story content.

message is a telegram message, sent to telegram chats (It is reasonable to include {telegraph_url} here). Success template is extended with new variables {telegraph_url} and {telegraph_title} when telegra.ph is used.


Make the changes to the code and tests. Then commit to your branch. Be sure to follow the commit message conventions. Read Contributing Guidelines for details.