
This project developed in our year 5 project management course

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


This is a repository for buncheat.


First install rubyonrails and PostgreSQL by following

  • Clone the repository into your preferred destination and name it buncheat
git clone git@gitlab.com:gic15/buncheat.git ~/dev/rails-projects/buncheat
  • Navigate into the directory and run bundle
cd ~/dev/rails-projects/buncheat
bundle install
  • Start rails web server
cd ~/dev/rails-projects/buncheat
rails server

For development of the application, developer should use the default Development context.

  • Configure database connection

Copy database.yml file to configure database connection

cd ~/dev/rails-projects/buncheat
cp config/database.yaml.example config/database.yaml
  • Edit config/database.yaml make sure that you have dbname, user, password, host.
default: &default
  adapter: postgresql
  encoding: unicode
  host: localhost
  username: username    #adjust to your database username
  password: password    #adjust to your database password
  pool: 5

  <<: *default
  database: database_name  # adjust to your datbase name 

  • Configure database connection for testing context