
A web interface for the scoring of biomedical digital objects by user evaluation according to the FAIR data principles: Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reusability.

Prototype currently available at: https://fairshake.cloud




docker-compose build
docker-compose up


The MySQL database stores information on projects, resources, questions, evaluations, averages, and users. The Python app.py file uses Flask. It manages routes, connects to MySQL and executes database queries, manages account function (login, User objects), and passes variables into the HTML templates. The HTML templates build the webpages.

MySQL Tables

  • average

    column type description
    resource_id int
    q_id int
    avg float Between -1 and 1
    project_id int
  • evaluation

    column type description
    user_id int
    resource_id int
    q_id int
    answer text 'yes' or 'no' or 'yesbut'
    comment text Currently only if answer is 'yesbut'
    project_id int
  • project

    column type description
    project_id int int, primary key, auto-increment
    project_name text
    project_description text
    project_img text URL for picture to display for project
  • question

    column type description
    q_id int int, primary key, auto-increment
    num int Number within set (e.g. 1-16)
    version int Default: 1
    content text
    F text 'F'
    A text 'A'
    I text 'I'
    R text 'R'
    res_type text Questions are associated with resource type
  • resource

    column type description
    resource_id int int, primary key, auto-increment
    resource_name text
    url text URL of resource homepage to link to
    resource_type text
    description text
    project_id int Resources are associated with projects (currently one to many relationship represented)
  • user

    column type description
    user_id int int, primary key, auto-increment
    username text
    password text
    first_name text
    last_name text
    role_evaluator text 'role_evaluator'
    role_starter text 'role_starter'

Current list of resource types

  • Dataset
  • Tool
  • Repository


The FAIRShake FAIRness insignia with FAIRShake evaluation form connection on click (like the Chrome extension) has been placed on the tool landing pages on BioToolBay. Any changes made to the Chrome extension .js file structure should correspondingly be made for BioToolBay.

Chrome extension-related routes

  • /api/chrome_extension/getQ

    • Returns questions ordered 1-16 for this resource's type for insignia tooltip
  • /api/chrome_extension/getAvg

    • Returns average scores ordered 1-16 for this resource for insignia color and score value
  • /redirectedFromExt

    • For insignia click - redirects to FAIRShake evaluation form
  • /chromeextension

    • For Chrome extension download from website

Adding webpages to Chrome extension

  • Until 'Start Project' or other appropriate automation implemented

  • Create project (e.g. repositories listed on DataMed):

    • Enter project into MySQL database manually
      • insert into project (project_name,project_description,user_id,project_img) values ('DataMed repositories','Repositories listed on DataMed', 'https://datamed.org/img/biocaddie_png2.png')
  • Enter questions into MySQL database (if the resource type is new)

    • insert into question (res_type,num,content,F) values ('Repository',1,'The structure of the repository etc.','F')
    • insert into question (res_type,num,content,F,A) values ('Repository',2,'The repository is available online.','F', 'A')
  • Enter resources into MySQL database with Chrome extension click (or manually if not applicable)

    • Add resource pages to Chrome extension

      • In Chrome extension:

        • Create .js file in extension for this website
        • Insert insigform into desired spot for insignia
        • insigform hidden input values:
          • Resource name, URL, description (using jQuery)
          • Type of resource
          • Source webpage (e.g. DataMed) to be used for project identification in app.py
      • In app.py:

        • In /redirectedFromExt, add elif statement for new source webpage with new project number
          • elif theSrc == 'DataMed': cursor.execute(query2, (theName, theType, theURL, theDescrip, 4)) conx.commit()
    • Click on insignia inserted on resource landing pages. This automatically inserts resource into database (on insignia click, not when insignia is placed on page through extension JavaScript with information from APIs).

    • or insert into resource (resource_name,url,resource_type,description,project_id) values ('ArrayExpress, 'https://www.ebi.ac.uk/arrayexpress/','Repository','ArrayExpress Archive of Functional Genomics Data etc.',4)

Features in progress

  • Start a project

    • There is a page set up for users to start a project (startproject.html) at /startproject, but it is not fully implemented. If you try to submit a project, you will be stopped and receive a warning 'In progress.'

    • Although the page allows you to select a number of questions for a project other than 16, this is currently not implemented if you actually submit the project. (Some HTML templates or parts of app.py may use 16 as the number of questions.)

    • role_starter

      • Currently, there is no difference in role_evaluator and role_starter accounts. Both can technically start projects (by accessing /startproject and submitting a project).
  • Organization of database

    • Categorizing questions as FAIR

      • The FAIR questions for each type are associated with one or more foundational F/A/I/R principles. There are 'F','A','I','R' columns in the question table of the MySQL database to indicate this. This could be used for analytics purposes later.
    • Project-resource relationship

      • Currently, the database represents the project-resource relationship as one to many. However, as more projects are added, there is a possibility that a resource may fit in multiple projects. This is a many to many relationship. Later, a project2resource table can be added to more accurately represent this relationship.
    • project_id in MySQL database

      • Some tables in the MySQL database may include a project_id column that can be removed.
  • User account

    • Connection to email (activation, password retrieval)
    • Sign in with Google or Facebook
    • Personalization features (avatar, about)
  • Finding a resource in the database to pull for Chrome extension - issues here refer mainly to repositories

    • Since some resources may belong to multiple projects, the Chrome extension should recognize this.

    • Currently, the Chrome extension pulls resource averages and evaluations based on exact URL. It will not recognize the same resource if one project's webpage records the URL slightly differently from another project's webpage.

    • Examples:

      • '/' vs. no '/' at URL end
      • 'www' vs. no 'www' at URL beginning
      • 'http' vs. 'https'
    • Possible solutions:

      • Search by name in database
        • Similar issue by name e.g. 'UniProt:Swiss-Prot' from DataMed repositories and 'UniProt KnowledgeBase' in Model Organisms Database, as different webpages may have different names for the same resource
      • Use RegEx on URL search accounting for listed examples
      • For repository only, if certain parts of the URL are identical, ex. host or host and path, the resources should be considered identical
    • Current solution:

      • Using search both by name and URL in /api/chrome_extension/getAvg depending on source webpage. In Chrome extension JavaScript files, the call to the API passes in a select argument that can be name or URL. This specifies whether to search by name or URL in database for the average scores to display in insignia. However in /redirectedFromExt, to check if this resource from insignia click is already in the database, it searches by name... This is inconsistent and a better solution should be implemented.
    • Another issue: Some repositories listed on DataMed (and possibly future sites added to FAIRShake) are identified as distinct repositories even though they are hosted from the same site and can be considered one repository.

      • Repositories in question are: 'NeuroVault Atlases',' NeuroVault Cols', 'NeuroVault NIDM' all from NeuroVault
  • Login issue from Chrome extension

    • Users must log in to submit evaluations. If a visitor is taken to the FAIRShake evaluation form through the Chrome extension, they may not be logged in.
    • Issue: The visitor should be able to log in and then be taken back to the original evaluation form.
    • Current solution: If visitor is logged in when clicking on insignia, they are taken to the evaluation form. If they are not logged in, they are taken to login page with evaluation form and resource information saved in next query. If they log in on this page, they will be taken back to the original evaluation form. If they move away from the login page, the form information is lost. If they log in later, they must click on the insignia in the Chrome extension again to return to the evaluation form.
  • Error handling

    • There may be places where errors are not handled consistently. There is an error template (errors.html) set up. Example in app.py: return render_template('error.html',errormsg='Invalid URL.')
  • Static files

    • Issue: Files saved in static folder (e.g. JavaScript, icons, pictures) are not recognized
    • Current solution: Pushed static files to amp.pharm.mssm.edu and hardcoded these addresses where needed in FAIRShake files
  • Ensure consistency in results returned by APIs for questions and averages

  • In Chrome extension for LINCS Dataset landing pages, if you come to the dataset landing page by entering in the URL, the insignia appears normally. However, if you come to the dataset landing page by clicking on a dataset link in http://lincsportal.ccs.miami.edu/datasets/, the insignia does not appear. If you refresh the landing page, it will then appear. This is an issue specific to the LINCS Dataset landing pages.

    • Possible solutions: Automatically refresh these pages once
  • Some LINCS Dataset landing pages do not show insignia at all, e.g. http://lincsportal.ccs.miami.edu/datasets/#/view/LDS-1195

  • Automate/standardize in some capacity the addition of webpages to Chrome extension

Future features to implement

  • Move website and database to Amazon server

  • Sortable tables for resource lists in /project/x/resources and /project/x/myevaluations

    • May require different pagination using JavaScript on same page rather than URL change to different pages
  • Improve pagination buttons on resource lists - possibly using twbsPagination

  • Progress bar showing number of resources this user has evaluated out of this project

  • Dropdown for comment in evaluation form allowing selection of common issues or 'other'

  • 'Explore'/'Analytics'/'Ranking' feature for each project: Comparison of FAIRness scores of objects within this project

    • e.g. Ranked list with filters to select F/A/I/R scores
  • Guide to show examples of 'yes' and 'no' for each question in evaluation form

    • e.g. Pullout sidebar
  • Point/awards system

  • Improvement to insignia color scale: All colors should have same shades of brightness

    • Issue: The only thing that should vary between the insignia colors is the red/blue shade in order to improve clarity. Currently, colors in between are often darker than the two ends of the scale. This should be corrected.
    • Possible solutions:
      • Could try other D3 color scales - currently using d3.interpolateRgb
      • Use gamma adjust
  • Open comments on evaluation form no matter what option selected, not restricted to 'yes, but:'

  • Insignia is currently dynamically created with JavaScript by the Chrome extension on a resource page, through information received from APIs.

    • Issue: A more secure implementation should be considered.
    • Possible solutions:
      • Creating a static image of the insignia and sending a link to that image with the API.
  • Legend explaining scoring/coloring of insignia