
Python script to convert Nintendo 3DS CCI (".cci", ".3ds") files to the CIA format

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


3dsconv.py is a Python 2.7 script that converts Nintendo 3DS CTR Cart Image files (CCI, ".cci", ".3ds") to the CTR Importable Archive format (CIA).

3dsconv can detect if a CCI is decrypted or encrypted, or zerokey-encrypted. Decrypted is preferred and does not require any extra files. Encrypted requires Extended Header (ExHeader) XORpads, with the filename <TITLEID>.Main.exheader.xorpad. Zerokey encryption works only if PyCrypto is installed (can be installed with pip).

This does not work with Python 3.

Decrypt9WIP can dump game cards to CIA directly now, rendering this tool partially obsolete. It can still be used for existing game dumps, however.


Basic use

On Windows, decrypted CCIs can be dragged on top of 3dsconv.exe. Encrypted CCIs should be decrypted, or have the proper ExHeader XORpads in the same folder.

Advanced options

python2 3dsconv.py [options] game.3ds [game.3ds ...]
  • --xorpads=<dir> - use XORpads in the specified directory
    default is current directory or what is set as xorpad-directory
  • --output=<dir> - save converted CIA files in the specified directory
    default is current directory or what is set as output-directory
  • --overwrite - overwrite any existing converted CIA, if it exists
  • --gen-ncchinfo - generate ncchinfo.bin for CCIs without a valid xorpad
  • --gen-ncch-all - generate ncchinfo.bin for all CCIs used with --gen-ncchinfo
  • --noconvert - don't convert CCIs, useful to generate just ncchinfo.bin
  • --ignorebadhash - ignore bad xorpad/corrupt rom and convert anyway
  • --verbose - print more information

Generating XORpads

If your CCI is encrypted, you must generate ExHeader XORpads with a 3DS system and the ability to use Decrypt9.

  1. Use --gen-ncchinfo with the CCIs you want to generate them for.
    By default, only CCIs without valid XORpads will be added into ncchinfo.bin. To add all given CCIs, add --gen-ncch-all.
  2. Place ncchinfo.bin at the root or /Decrypt9 on your 3DS SD card.
  3. Run Decrypt9, and go to "XORpad Generator Options" and "NCCH Padgen".

XORpads can then be placed anywhere (use --xorpads=<dir> if it's not the current working directory)

Converting .py to standalone .exe (Windows)

Using py2exe, you can pack the script into a Windows executable, for use on a computer without Python, or for easy use in the Windows command prompt.

  1. Clone or download the repository, or the latest release + setup.py from the repository.
  2. Open the Windows command prompt (cmd.exe) in the current directory.
  3. Edit setup.py to change any options, if wanted.
  4. Run python setup.py py2exe. Make sure Python 2.7 is being used.
  5. 3dsconv.exe and its dependencies will be in dist after it finishes.

License / Credits

For versions older than "2.0", see this Gist.