
The purpose of these utilities is to maintain a serialized xml version of binary iff files as xml to help with version control systems. They can also be used to edit and recompile an iff file.

Primary LanguagePerl

The purpose of these utilities is to maintain a serialized text version of iff files as xml to help with version control systems.

bin/iff2xml.pl  - converts iff files to xml (iff2xml.pl -h for usage)
bin/xml2iff.pl* - converts xml files to iff (xml2iff.pl -h for usage)
bin/pre-commit  - git hook that converts any new iff file to xml
bin/post-checkout - git hook that converts all xml files back to iff

* xml2iff.pl requires XML::Twig (http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?XML::Twig) If xml2iff.pl prints "Can't locate XML/Twig.pm in @INC (@INC contains:..." then you'll need the XML::Twig module.

To test the utilities compare the converted/reconverted output to the original file:

iff2xml.pl test.dir | xml2iff.pl -o - | diff -s - test.dir
Files - and test.dir are identical

If the files - and test.dir are NOT identical, then there is a problem.