
jQuery plugin that gives elements a 3d mouse over effect!

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT


3dAnimate is a jQuery plugin that allows you to give any portion of your website a 3d mouse over effect.

Demo - animate3d

Get Started

First download and load the 3d js file after jQuery and before your script.

Next, call animate3d on an element or group of elements.

<script src="./scripts/jquery-3.0.0.js"></script>
<script src="./scripts/3d.js"></script>	

Its that easy! Passing in an empty object uses all of the default settings of 3dAnimate. You can customize by passing in any of the following {key:value} pairs. Shown below are the default values.

	perspective:   1000,
	distance:      50,
	rotation:      0.5,
	startX:        0,
	startY:        0


Go to animate3d for a live demo to really see how Animate3d works!

The element you call Animate3d on is the 'canvas', and each child element a 3d layer. When you mouse over the element you will see the perspecive change and each child element will appear closer to you than the last.

Simply place and position the child-elements how you want them to look, without using the transform css property (thats the one the animate3d uses to give its effect).


Number greater than 0. Default is 1000.

  • Sets the perspective on the element

See w3s explanation - Perspective


Number greater than 0. Default is 50.

  • Distance controls the perceived space between layers


Number between 0 and 1. Default is 0.5.

  • Rotation controls how much the element is tilted during mouse over. If rotation is at 1 the element will tilt 90 degrees with the mouse at the edge of the element.


Number between -1 and 1. Default is 0.

  • Sets the default view of the element tilted along the X axis


Number between -1 and 1. Default is 0.

  • Sets the default view of the element tilted along the Y axis