
A complete CI/CD solution for ESP32

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


This project provides a CI/CD pipeline designed for seamless remote software updates to ESP32 including a PlatformIO library to automatically handle deployment.


  • Platform espressif32
  • IDE PlatformIO
  • Framework Arduino

How it works

  • Upon a new software release, depending on the CI/CD tool used, a workflow is triggered.

  • The code is compiled to generate the executable binary.

  • The executable is uploaded to an S3 compatible bucket.

  • An MQTT message is sent to the release topic on which ESP32 is subscribed. The message contains the firmware version and the download URL.

  • The library receives the message and checks the version against the running version.

  • If the received firmware is newer, the library downloads it and performs the necessary flashing process.

CI/CD settings

The settings depends on the CI/CD tool used. An integration with Github Actions is provided via .github/workflows/release.yml. The variables and secrets should be set as described in docs.


Secrets Notes
MQTT_HOST The MQTT host, eg broker.hivemq.com
MQTT_PORT The MQTT TCP port, eg 1883
MQTT_SECURE Whether a default SSL configuration is used, can be set to false or for true
MQTT_VERSION The MQTT version can be set to 3 or 5
MQTT_USER The username for MQTT authentication
MQTT_PASSWORD The password for MQTT authentication
S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID The S3 client ID
S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY The S3 client secret
S3_ENDPOINT_URL The S3 endpoint, check provider
S3_REGION The S3 region, check provider
S3_BUCKET The S3 bucket used, should be public
S3_PUBLIC_URL The public URL of the provided bucket


Variables Notes
MQTT_PUB_TOPIC The MQTT topic to which the release message will be published
PIO_ENV Environment to build, check platformio.ini

Library usage

In order to automatically deploy the new firmware, this project provides a platformIO library

pio pkg install --library "bg-dev/OtaCicd"

The library exposes OtaCicd class which implements an MQTT client and an OTA handler with secure HTTP connections. You just need to initialize it

esp_mqtt_client_config_t mqttConfig = {
    .uri = mqtt_uri,
    .client_id = mqtt_client_id,
    .username = mqtt_user,
    .password = mqtt_password,
    .cert_pem = mqtt_cert_pem};

OtaCicd::init(s3CertPem, releaseTopic, mqttConfig);

In case you want to implement an MQTT client independently, you can call start method upon receiving a release message.




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MIT License