An extraordinarily verbose compilation of useful Docker commands, where they are used and examples
Temporary Note
Until all content in this early draft Docker Cheat Sheet has been reviewed, unreviewed content is preceded by Note - this section under review
see Index for links to all sections
- Installation
- Images
- Containers
- Registry and Repository
- Dockerfile
- Layers
- Links
- Volumes
- Exposing Ports
- Tips
- Misc Useful Tips
- My openSUSE Wiki articles
- Interesting Docker links
- Credit to Original Work
- Index
If you are running on Windows, Solaris, BSD or some other non Linux OS, run Docker in a virtualization technology like Virtualbox, VMware, Hyper-V. If running on Windows and you are only mildly familiar with virtualization, boot2docker is a project that installs Virtualbox, tinycorelinux(Debian based) and docker with a number of desirable apps like ssh at once. If you are experienced with any virtualization or already have some kind of virtualization installed, you can create a Guest and install Docker in that Guest in an ordinary way.
Whatever distro you prefer, Docker should be installed according to directions for your distro. As of this writing docker can be installed using the regular repositories for Ubuntu, CentOS, Fedora and likely many more. Docker Install instructions can be found on this Docker documentation page. A better guide for installing docker on OpenSUSE is here:
The Docker reference.
An image is a basic building block. Public images typically have only minimal configurations, ready for you to customize and create a running environment (a container).
docker images
displays all images in the local repository.docker import
extracts an image from a tarball file into the local repository.docker build
creates image from Dockerfile.docker commit
creates image from a container.docker rmi
removes an image from the local repository.docker insert
inserts a file from URL into image. (kind of odd, you'd think images would be immutable after create)docker load
Using STDIN, loads an image with its tags from a tar archivedocker save
saves an image to a tar archive by streaming to STDOUT with all parent layers, tags & versions.- docker history displays the steps used to create and modify the image. Important to understand among things the underlying distro used, TCP/IP ports presented to docker (You then need to match those ports with your "docker run" command)
A Container is the isolated runtime environment which is created from an image. Within a container there can be an app, OS, or anything you want running. Containers are like highly featured chroots, but with much more advanced features you might find in other virtualization technologies.
A typical container life-cycle might be
- Launch a generic container from a generic image
- Access the console and modify the application as it's running from inside the container
- Commit your container, thereby creating a new image which now contains your configuration modifications. When you stop and next time start your new container, it will retain your changes.
docker run
creates a container.docker stop
stops the container.docker start
stops and restarts the container.docker restart
restarts a container.docker rm
deletes a container.docker kill
sends a SIGKILL to a container.docker attach
allows view or interact with a running containerdocker wait
blocks until container stops.
If you want to create and run a temporary container, docker run --rm
will remove the container after it stops.
Containers generally are created to run either as a background process (aka "service") or as an interactive "foreground" (normal app). Another way to compare the two is that a background "daemon" container continues to run without a logged in User. A foreground "normal app" container instantiates with immediate access to a running console, and when the User exits/quits the console the container also stops.
- An example creating a daemon/service/background "detached" container specifying an optional custom container name
'docker run -d --name containername imagename'
- An example creating a foreground/normal app, specifying an interactive tty bash console.
'docker run -it --name containername imagename /bin/bash'
If you want to map a directory(often described as "folder sharing") on the host to a docker container,
`docker run -v $HOSTDIR:$DOCKERDIR` (also see [Volumes](#volumes) section).
If you want to allow incoming network connections to the app in your container, see the exposing ports section.
This is described in the Docker documentation as host process manager integration. In plain words, after you have a tested running container, you invoke it with "docker start -a" and modify the docker daemon (ie if using systemd, modify the Unitfile) to start with "-r=false." You can find a sample Unitfile script in the referenced Docker documentation.
docker ps
lists running containers.docker ps -a
lists all containers, both running and stopped.docker inspect
queries a container or image for low level informationdocker logs
gets logs from container.docker events
gets events from container.docker port
identifies the external port number for the specified container port (See EXPOSE)docker top
shows running processes in container.docker diff
shows changed files in the container's file system.
Note - this section under review and will be modified to describe the ADD dockerfile command)
docker cp
copies files or folders out of a container's filesystem.docker export
turns container filesystem into tarball.
The most recommended way to gain access to a console of a running docker container is to use nsenter. Using an sshd
daemon is the official documentation but considered evil. Note that sshd requires installing and configuring sshd, exposing a network stack and remoting in using TCP/IP sockets. Aside from the complexity setting that all up, it's also not always possible. Nsenter uses unix sockets minimizing dependencies and complexity, so in theory should be less complex and more universally usable.
- I recommend following my wiki article as simplest but you can also follow others who have written about nsenter
- Installing nsenter using docker
- How to enter a Docker container
- Docker debug with nsenter on boot2docker
allows you to run any command from a console within the running container. If the container doesn't already have the pre-isntalled app or tool, you can often install the app on the fly. If that's not possible, then you may need to build your own image and pre-install the tool or app.
The nsenter documentation you follow should describe how to use a command "docker-enter" which is a wrapper for nsenter with a series of commonly desired command attributes (see the official nsentern documentation for more details). You can also append a command to the end of the docker-enter command if you wish to execute the command by default (not typically necessary).
docker history
displays how the image has been built.docker tag
assigns a custom name/alias to the image (local or registry).
Note: This section under review
A repository is a hosted collection of tagged images. The public docker repository can be searched with "docker search"
When a copy of the image is downloaded and stored locally for personal use, you have a local repository.
You can also specify other private repositories.
A registry is a host -- a server that stores repositories and provides an HTTP API for managing the uploading and downloading of repositories. hosts its own index to a central registry which contains a large number of repositories.
docker login
to login to a registry.docker search
searches registry for image.docker pull
pulls an image from registry to local machine.docker push
pushes an image to the registry from local machine.
Dockerfile (exactly as shown including capitalized "D") is the configuration file used to build an image. Can be thought of as the "Install file" that defines the steps used to build an image. Typically it will start with a base image defined by FROM, identify its creator/maintainer with MAINTAINER, a sequence of RUN steps, define some app ports with EXPOSE and end by executing a CMD or ENTRYPOINT to start an application
Note that the official Docker Examples describe techniques and methods, and not simply ways to implement a solution described by the example title. The technique and method is hidden and not described obviously, it's up to the Student to identify and extract those lessons.
Note: This section under review
The versioned filesystem in Docker is based on layers. They're like git commits or changesets for filesystems.
Note: This section under review
Links are how two Docker containers can be combined ( Linking into Redis and Atlassian show examples. You can also resolve links by hostname.
UPDATE NOTE: From here to the end of this "Links" section, the following example is from the original pre-fork cheat sheet and has not been verified
NOTE: If you want containers to ONLY communicate with each other through links, start the docker daemon with -icc=false
to disable inter process communication.
If you have a container with the name CONTAINER (specified by docker run --name CONTAINER
) and in the Dockerfile, it has an exposed port:
Then if we create another container called LINKED like so:
docker run -d --link CONTAINER:ALIAS --name LINKED user/wordpress
Then the exposed ports and aliases of CONTAINER will show up in LINKED with the following environment variables:
And you can connect to it that way.
To delete links, use docker rm --link
Note: This secion under review
Docker volumes are free-floating filesystems. They don't have to be connected to a particular container.
Volumes are useful in situations where you can't use links (which are TCP/IP only). For instance, if you need to have two docker instances communicate by leaving stuff on the filesystem.
You can mount them in several docker containers at once, using docker run -volume-from
Because volumes are isolated filesystems, they are often used to store state from computations between transient containers. That is, you can have a stateless and transient container run from a recipe, blow it away, and then have a second instance of the transient container pick up from where the last one left off.
See advanced volumes for more details.
aka Setting up Incoming Network Connections
The official Docker documentation.
Some fundemental docker architecture should be reviewed here
- Docker Containers are runtime instances based on Images.
- Docker security is like a shell around the running container
- Apps running in a Container must inform Docker from the inside what ports the app wants to accept connections.
- The "docker run" command completes the TCP/IP networking configuration from the outside by defining at least the following
-- The networking stack to be used
-- The real world IP address to be used
-- The LInux Bridging Device to be used
-- The re-mapped port to be used to avoid contention
If any networking parameter is not defined explicitly in the "docker run" command, defaults are applied. In some cases this is acceptable, but some configs like specifying incoming ports are best explicitly defined so are consistent and easily known (else would be random).
To tell docker your app wants to use a standard app port (don't worry if this might conflict in the real world, with "docker run" this standard port will be either mapped to the standard port or remapped if necessary)
This command tells docker an app running inside the container wants to accept incoming connections on this standard app port. Note that the way docker works, actual networking configuration is configured in docker itself so no other networking like ip addressing is defined.
In the following example, the container is intended to run in daemon mode (aka background like a service. The alternative is to define and immediately run a console), a localhost address is defined (warning, this won't work in a virtualized environment if docker is running in something like Virtualbox. A known issue is that you must use an actual network address that's not localhost). The real world mapped port is $HOSTPORT separated from the port defined by EXPOSE called $CONTAINERPORT. A custom name is optionally defined followed by the image the container is created from.
docker run -d -p$HOSTPORT:$CONTAINERPORT --name CONTAINER -t someimage
If you forget what you mapped the port to on the host container, use docker port
to display it:
Probably the most tedious part of Docker is typing all those odd names and long ID strings. Supercharge your work with the following techniques!
If you can remember what they mean, a letter or number might be enough
The actual containerid or imageid is over 40 characters long (I haven't counted what the actual number is. Listing the container or image (eg docker ps or docker images) displays a truncated string but you can type even fewer digits! As an example, if you have fewer than 10 images in your local repository, typing only the first two digits is already likely unique enough to reference a specific image and that is all that's necessary,
The following example removes an image with an imageid that starts with a1b2c3d4e5f5
docker rmi a1
Note: The rest of this section is under review
A useful comment about the following
Add or replace some of the following commands using the following syntax, an example follows which is used for nsenter
docker inspect --format '{{.State.Pid}}' ..."
Source for the next tips:
alias dl='docker ps -l -q'
docker run ubuntu echo hello world
docker commit `dl` helloworld
docker commit -run='{"Cmd":["postgres", "-too -many -opts"]}' `dl` postgres
Docker inspect dl
| grep IPAddress | cut -d '"' -f 4
docker inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' ..."
tar xzvf jq-1.3.tar.gz
cd jq-1.3
./configure && make && sudo make install
docker inspect `dl` | jq -r '.[0].NetworkSettings.IPAddress'
or (this is unverified)
docker inspect -f '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' <container_name>
docker inspect -f '{{range $p, $conf := .NetworkSettings.Ports}} {{$p}} -> {{(index $conf 0).HostPort}} {{end}}' <containername>
docker run --rm ubuntu env
docker ps -a | grep 'weeks ago' | awk '{print $1}' | xargs docker rm
docker rm `docker ps -a -q`
docker images -viz | dot -Tpng -o docker.png
Containers are not limited to running a single command or process. You can use supervisord or runit.
If you use jEdit, wsargent has put up a syntax highlighting module for Dockerfile you can use.
A list of useful Dev related commands, useful for building and troubleshooting images and containers, currently very new Docker Dev Corner
Install Docker on openSUSE
Access a Container Console
Build your own Custom Container
15 Quick Docker Tips
10 Docker Tipst
Includes displaying a graphic imaget``
Based on original work by
- Installation
- Images
Common Image management commands - Containers
Common Container management commands
Incoming Network Connections
Configuring a Container to auto start on boot
Import / Export
Entering a Docker Container
Info - Registry and Repository
- Dockerfile
Some Common Dockerfile Elements
Docker Documentation Examples - Layers
- Links
- Volumes
- Exposing Ports
- Tips
Reference an image or container with only a couple taps Use Custome names, make them descriptive and short
Just type the first couple or few numbers in the ID
Last ids
Commit with command (needs Dockerfile
Get IP address
Get port mapping
Get Environment Settings
[Delete old containers](#delete old containers)
Delete stopped containers
Show image dependencies - Misc Useful Tips
- My openSUSE Wiki articles
- Interesting Docker links
- Credit to Original Work